  • 學位論文


The k-Barrier Coverage Mechanism in Wireless Mobile Sensor Networks

指導教授 : 陳建彰


近年來,k-邊界覆蓋(k-Barrier Coverage)在無線感測網路中是很重要且受到廣泛討論的問題。本論文所運作的場景為一無線行動感測網路(Wireless Mobile Sensor Networks,WMSNs),其中每個感測器(Mobile Sensor,MS)具有移動的能力。在這樣的環境下,本論文擬研發一個分散式的自我佈建機制,使得行動感測器在場景中自我移動以形成一條k值盡可能大的k-邊界覆蓋(k-Barrier Coverage)防禦曲線。在移動的過程中,行動感測器將電量納入考量,使得建構的防禦曲線擁有較長的生命期,並使多個行動感測器不會移動至相同位置,避免產生決策衝突,浪費電量。相較於相關的研究,實驗模擬顯示,本論文所提出的k-Barrier Coverage演算法具有較長的生命期。


The k-Barrier Coverage is known as the problem of detecting the intruders by at least k sensors when the intruders moving along the crossing paths from one boundary to another. This thesis proposes a barrier coverage mechanism for Wireless Mobile Sensor Networks (WMSNs). At the network initialization phase, all mobile sensors move in a distributed manner for constructing the k-Barrier Coverage. The thesis aims at prolonging the barrier lifetime while achieving k-barrier coverage. Experimental study reveals that our proposed k-barrier coverage approach outperforms existing related schemes in terms of the energy consumption of mobile sensors participating in the k-barrier defense curve.


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