  • 學位論文


The Retirement Confidence Study in Greater Taipei

指導教授 : 繆震宇


隨著台灣人口呈現高齡化,退休信心議題亦是社會關注焦點,本文分析資料採用分層比例隨機抽樣,以台北市年滿25歲以上的民眾為訪問對象,針對16個不同工作性質的族群實施分層訪問,調查時間為2016年7月15日至2017年3月8日,有效問卷共計有340份。以退休做財務準備的問題,了解受訪者對於未來的退休生活準備是否有信心;以退休做投資的問題,了解受訪者對於退休理財以及投資機構的信心程度;以退休需求的問題,了解受訪者認為退休所需的金額以及信心程度;以退休決策的問題,了解受訪者對於個人的退休規劃;以退休後繼續工作的問題,了解受訪者對於退休後的生活規劃;以醫療計劃的問題,了解受訪者對於退休後有關於醫療方面的信心程度。 對退休信心實證結果歸納如下:證明年齡愈高愈有信心;有婚姻,愈沒有信心;身體狀況越好信心程度越高;在工作狀態中,退休者的信心程度顯著高於工作者的信心程度;平均年所得越高信心程度越高;額外為退休準備越多錢信心程度越高;認為退休所需要的錢越多信心程度越高;有自有住宅的受訪者信心程度顯著高於沒有自有住宅的受訪者身體狀況越好信心程度越高;額外準備的錢越多信心程度越高;退休所需要的錢越多信心程度越高;有購買商業長期看護保險的受訪者信心程度顯著高於沒有購買商業長期看護保險的受訪者;年齡愈大對有足夠的錢支付醫療費用部分愈沒信心;身體狀況越好,醫療費用將相對減少信心程度將相對提高。 綜合以上結論,退休信心可以從需求、經濟能力、時間複利價值來逐一充實,為自己量身打造專屬的退休計畫,迎接必然來到的銀髮生活,而政府部門更應盡速完成年金改革作業,建立起可長可久的制度,確保各族群的退休信心得以逐步踏實。


With the coming of aged society of Taiwan, retirement confidence issue always been the focused issue in our society. This paper adopts Stratified Proportional Random Sampling method with the citizens who aged over 25 years old as samples to investigate sixteen groups with different work’s characters from July-15th 2016 to March-8th 2017. Total 340 valid questionnaires, on the financial preparing issue to know whether the citizen has confidence for the future retired life. For the purpose of investment, to know the confidence on retired financial management and on their financial institutions. From retired demand questionnaires to investigate the requirement for retired pay pension. For making retired decision to know the retired plans. For the working after get retired, to study their retired life plans. For the health requirement to know their confidence from retiring. The empirical results for retirement confidence are as follows. Higher aged person, good health person, keep working person, higher annual salary person, higher retired pension, someone has his own house and the one who buy the long-term care insurance will has better retirement confidence, however married person will shows lower retirement confidence. To conclude it, retirement confidence could be fulfilled via demand side, economic capacity and time compound value. Establish a unique plan to greet a retired life in the future. Government should finish the pension reform policy as soon as possible and establish a far-reaching designs to ensure the retirement confidence of retiree.


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