  • 學位論文


Manuelito and the Navajo Reservation:The Study of American Indian Policy Between 1850~1884

指導教授 : 李本京


美國國家主義與擴張主義在一八五O年代起進入最高峰時期,期發展過程中遭遇最大阻礙出自於內部矛盾因素:其一是美西印地安人捍衛自己土地而引發的多年動盪不安,此情況直至一八九O年代才逐漸緩和;其二是南北方一是型態分裂而導致的內戰,其結果攸關國家發展與存亡。以上二種因素的交互作用,導致聯邦政府印地安政策混亂,使得白人與印地安人均受其害。美國西南方乾燥地區居住著一群美國最大的印地安族群那瓦荷族(Navajos),其領袖麥諾雷多(Manuelito),為爭生存權而對美國採取長期抗爭,在經過一連串的挫敗打擊後,率領所有族人改採和平理性方式與美國交涉,最後得到聯邦政府認同,歸還那瓦荷人故有土地,劃定保留區並發還財產提供補償,使得那瓦荷仁寶有祖先遺留之土地茁壯成長,麥諾雷多酋長亦成為那瓦荷族中最受尊敬人物之一。 本論文結合美國「天命論」所導引而出的西進運動,以及麥諾雷多承受挑戰所展現之「務實理性」為起點,探討當代美國發展與印地安人文化衝突與妥協後,雙方經過錯誤的嘗試與學習,重新建立的穩固和平關係。那瓦荷人與美國的衝突與妥協中,美國所掌控的關鍵因素包含西進運動的思潮影響聯邦政府的決策,教會的改革與大覺醒運動,改變了同化教育的內容,而政府內部官僚體系間之競合關係,亦操控了政府政策走向;這些因素均由美國政府與機構所掌控,那瓦荷人面對這些加諸於身的待遇僅能被動作出回應。那瓦荷人本身可掌控之內在因素則包含部落酋長集體決策以及其產生之效用,另外便是那瓦荷人渴望自治的心願,及其理想能夠實現可能性,這兩項關鍵因素的主控權操之於那瓦荷人本身。麥諾雷多以堅定意志努力促其實現,驗證其為「務實理想主義者」。 第一章 緒論。本論文研究動機與目的及詮釋方法與限制。 第二章 簡介那瓦荷族由來及對麥諾雷多早年成長背景作亦描述與分析,對其成年後決策方式產生之影響。 第三章 略述連年的美墨戰爭,統治權轉移,那瓦荷人遭受政治上強大衝擊時的反應與無奈;麥諾雷多在此階段遭受到親人被殺,土地喪失等劇變,此階段也是那瓦荷人反抗最激烈時期。 第四章 描述麥諾雷多心境對抗轉變妥協的歷程,麥諾雷多並未因投降而喪失奮鬥意志,但卻轉換為和平方式行之。 第五章 和平降臨,以理性方式交涉,獲得返回家鄉的對待。 第六、七章 麥諾雷多建立保留區新制序以及他晚年對那瓦荷人之貢獻。 第八章 分析美國與那瓦荷人交互影響之關鍵因素與麥諾雷多對族群之貢獻。


Since 1850s, the American nationalism and expansionism were escalate to a peak as the Federal government obtained new territory from Mexico. Prior to approach to the West, two interior problems would need to be solved: western Indians who fought against American in order to crowding out invaders from Indian land, Indian wars subsided after1890s; the other problem was the unharmonious between North and South within the Unio due to the ideological split, and it ended up by Civil War. Both events of the above cause great, including whites and Indians, property and life loss, plus one of the sub effects was the radical and ambiguity Indian policies that applied to Western Indian tribes. The Navajo, an ethnic tribe that lived in southwest part of America, lede by a great war chief Manuelito who fought against invasion from whites. After a series of failures, Manuelito learned to cope Americans with patience. He transformed himself from a war chief into a peace keeper, negociating by a pragmatic manner, and he held his promise to the very end. Federal government appreciated of what he’d done, land grant and compensations were then to occured. Manuelito became one of the most prominent chieves in American history. There were three exterior factors that manipulating the fate of Navajos. First, the American weatward movement, which was led by the theory of “Manifested Dastiny,” people enthusiastically contributed to it. Second, churches linked Indian assimilation policy to Christianization, and played a critical role in the process of assimilation. And, third, the bureaucratic competition within the government affected the process of decision making. Noun of the above were handled by Navajos, they could only react after theoutside irritation occurred. Navajos’ fate also affected by two interior factors which were dominated by Navajos themselves. The first was Indian tribal meeting, the powwow, through a collectively decision making approach, Navajo chiefs figured out the best reaction to the stimulation from the exterior. Second was Manueltio’s strong well of building up their own autonomous reservation. The very well supported Manuelito struggled for his people and categorized him to a pragmatic idealist.


“The Navajo Nation: An American Colony”:A Report of the United States Commission on Civil Rights, September, 1975.
Underhill, Ruth, “Here Come the Navaho”: United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1953.
Denetdale, Jennifer N., Reclaiming Diné History: The Legacies of Navajo Chief Manuelito and Juanit,. Phoenix: The University of Arizona Press, 2007.
Denetdale, Jennifer N., The Long Walk: The Forced Navajo Exile, New York: Chelsea House, Infobase Publishing, 2008.
Kelly, Lawrence C., Navajo Roundup:Selected Correspondence of Kid Carson’s Expedition Against the Navajo, 1863-186,. Boulder: The Pruett Publishing Co., 1970.


