  • 學位論文


Overeducation, Obesity and Wage

指導教授 : 胡登淵


在本文章裡,我們主要使用高等教育研究中心92學年度大學三年級和93學年度大學畢業後一年的問卷調查來探討高等教育女性畢業生初次進入勞動市場時的過度教育現象。在過度教育的衡量方法上,本文不僅採取以往文獻所使用的教育年數測度方式,並加入初次就業工作者在第一份職務中期望能夠學習到的職業技能作為區分過度教育型態的一項指標。從單一型態延續探討兩種相異型態─表面過度教育與真實過度教育─下的過度教育。此外,我們將主要影響過度教育的變數設定成三種類別,分別是「體重觀測指標」、「學門」和「職業部門」,並建立樣本選擇模型 (Sample Selection Model) 與多項邏輯模型 (Multinomial Logit Model) 各別分析單一同質型態與兩種異質型態下的過度教育決定因素。最後,我們假設當工作者存在一些無法觀察到的特質同時影響過度教育與薪資而產生內生性,則本文藉由帕比特 (Probit) 與兩階段最小平方估計 (Two Stage Least Squares,2SLS) 模型分析過度教育對薪資的影響效果。   從實證結果得到,當假設工作者為完全替代下,則隨著體重越重越容易產生單一型態的過度教育。在學門方面,商學門、數理學門、營建建築學門、工程工藝、觀光運輸、農林漁牧、以及醫學學門都相較於人文藝術學門和教育學門更容易發生過度教育現象。在職業部門方面,與教育研究部門相較,研究開發部門的工作者較能夠獲得同等學歷的職務。若假設工作者非完全替代下,則醫學學門以及營建建築學門的畢業生較容易為了學習專業技能技術而產生表面過度教育。而肥胖族群(BMI≧27)則有可能因為社會對於肥胖的負面觀感或是歧視而產生真實過度教育的現象。在不考慮工作者存在的異質特性可能同時影響過度教育與薪資,則產生的內生性偏誤將可能低估過度教育的估計係數。


This study uses the Higher Education Research Centre Database─the same female students’ questionnaire in university of 92 third-grade school year and after Academic Year 93 university to focus on overeducation phenomenon of higher education graduates entering the labor market for the first job. For the measurement of overeducation, we consider not only the quantity of schooling, but also the skill types of occupation as an indicator of the match between workers and jobs. Then we expand a single definition into two different ways, one is apparent overeducation, the other one is genuine overeducation. We also control other observed socioeconomic factors and set them into three categories: "body weight indicators", "type of schooling" and "occupational sector”. In addition, we examine the characteristics of overeducated workers by the method of Heckman (1979) of Sample selection model to deal with sample selection bias, and Multinomial logit model. When we estimate the effect of wage on overeducation, however, there is measurement error in overeducation or some unobserved factors affect wages and overeducation respectively. In order to correct the endogeneity of overeducation, we use Probit and Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS) model at the same time. Empirical results show that, graduates who have heavy weight are more likely to be in high risk of overeducation when all individuals with a given education are perfect substitutes .In the faculty of degree, graduates of the business , mathematics and physics, architectural and construction, engineering technology, tourism and transportation, agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry, and medicine are more likely to be overeducated than graduates of the humanities and arts faculty , but graduates of the education faculty are less likely to be overeducated. In the occupational sector, graduates who work in the research and development sector are less likely to be overeducated than graduates who work in the education and research. Given that workers are non-perfect substitute; those majoring in medicine and agriculture probably accept the positions which are apparently overeducated due to on-the-job training, working experience or skills. On the contrary, obesity(BMI≧27) will have genuine overeducation because they suffer from discrimination in society that prevents them from finding a suitable job. Finally, the unobserved factors induce the endogeneity bias problem which underestimates the coefficient of overeducation.


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