  • 學位論文


The study of the significance and impact of cross-strait direct links

指導教授 : 潘錫堂 郭展禮


隨著1978年政府開放探親,兩岸民間交流日益頻繁。在兩岸共同加入WTO之後,國內外經濟情勢快速轉變,加上經濟全球化時代的來臨,使兩岸經貿關係越來越密切,無論是為了因應經濟全球化的挑戰,抑或秉持資源分享、經濟共榮的區域經濟合作潮流趨勢,抑或基於內在政治經濟不同的需求,兩岸三通(尤其是直航)已成為當前兩岸關係互動中最受關切的議題。 兩岸目前分別由不同的政治體系所管轄,兩岸直航問題不是一個單純的經濟問題,其涉及到兩岸必須協商,在國內也會受到國會、媒體、利益團體與民眾的挑戰。同時包含政治、社會、文化、國家安全等問題,兩岸直航後對台灣在經濟、政治或是國家安全方面有何影響,政府是否能提出因應對策,是重點所在。 2008年馬英九先生當選總統,新政府以經濟層面作為兩岸關係政策之導向,展開與扁政府完全不同的兩岸政策,重新開啟了兩岸海基、海協兩會的協商,為兩岸直航寫下新的里程碑,至2009年4月底,雙方舉行了三次兩會負責人高層會談,簽署九項協議,隨著協議的施行,兩岸正式三通,進入兩岸直航新時代。 本論文主要了解兩岸直航問題,起先檢閱台灣及大陸相關直航政策文獻議題之探討,回顧兩岸直航政策演進發展關係。此外探討兩岸空運直航議題的結構性因素,分別從兩岸互動及國內政經氛圍及國際看法分析,另個別針對兩岸直航議題所產生對國家安全層次的考量、兩岸直航經濟及社會穩定層面的評估分別探討,以對兩岸直航議題做出全面性的瞭解。 本研究結果就目前兩岸直航發展現狀、及馬政府面對直航所帶來對國家安全,經濟及社會穩定的影響,提出檢討與評析。也希望兩岸直航所帶來的不僅是經濟方面的利益,更代表的是兩岸以談判取代對立、以和解取代衝突,共謀和平與繁榮。


兩岸關係 直航


The civilian exchanges across the Taiwan Strait mushroomed since our government allowed civilians to visit their relatives in Mainland China, starting from 1987. The two sides joined in the WTO, a fast-changing economic situation at home and abroad, coupled with the advent of the era of economic globalization, so that cross-strait economic and trade relations are getting closer and closer, whether it is to cope with the challenges of economic globalization, or uphold the resource-sharing, economic co-prosperity The trend of regional economic cooperation, or based on internal political and economic needs of different cross-strait links (especially direct) current cross-strait relations has become the most interactive topic of concern. At present, the two sides were different under the jurisdiction of the political system, direct cross-strait issue is not a simple economic problem must be related to cross-strait consultations, the Congress will be at home, the media, interest groups and the public challenges. At the same time contains the political, social, cultural, and national security issues, after the cross-strait direct flights to Taiwan in economic, political or national security, the impact of whether the Government can put forward countermeasures, will be the highlight. In 2008, Ma Ying-Jiu was elected president of Taiwan. The new government is using the economic project as a guide for the cross-strait relationship with Mainland China. Development in this new government uses a different cross-strait relationship approach, compared to the previous Chen Shui-Bian government. This new government newly developed a cross-strait sea system, developing a new form of trade between the two sides. To set a new milestone in cross-strait direct links, up till the end of April 2009, both sides have had authorities discuss this issues three times, and signed nine agreements. With the implementation of the agreement, the cross-strait “link” have officially gone underway, and have entered a new era, with direct routes between the Taiwan and Mainland China. This essay is mainly discussing the cross-strait direct transport system and the problems that arise. Taiwan and China first reviewed the agreements related to issues of the direct shipping policy, and reviewing the development of the cross-strait shipping policy. In addition, they will also explore the the issues of cross-strait air transportation structural factors, and to identify how both countries interact, as well as domestic politics, their economic atmosphere and international views. Other issues to be looked at include national security issues arising from cross-strait direct links, to assess cross-strait economic and social stability, and to have a deeper understanding of cross-strait direct links. The results on the current research display the status of cross-strait direct links, and the national security issues faced by the Ma government. The economic and social impacts were stable, and an analysis as well as suggestions for implementation. It is hoped that in the future cross-strait direct flights bring not only economic benefits, and it is not cross-strait opposition anymore, but rather cross-strait negotiation. Conflict is being replaced by reconciliation, and both countries are seeking peace and prosperity.


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