  • 學位論文


Personalized Application Management System based on the Android Platform

指導教授 : 蔡憶佳


在行動裝置持續創新及改良的情況下,用戶的需求呈現多元化。而為了滿足個人的需要,用戶在裝置上安裝的應用程式(application,app)數量也逐漸增長,但這卻直接導致了裝置上的應用程式雜亂而管理不易,或是用戶需要使用某個應用程式卻找不到的問題發生。然而以往市面上的行動裝置雖然有許多具有管理功能的系統,但多只局限於將應用程式分類管理(category management)的形式,並且需要用戶手動的去進行分類的動作,藉此讓用戶能從分類捷徑中尋找其所需項目,或者能夠利用搜尋引擎輸入關鍵字來尋找項目,不過當分類文件中項目的數量偏多時,此種搜尋方式在效率上可能不盡理想,甚至還可能無法找到所需的項目。 故本研究基於Google Android系統平台,提出一個個人化管理(personalized management)系統架構的雛形,主要目標是為了方便管理裝置上的應用程式。其功能除了提供自動分類應用程式的操作外,也提供用戶另一種特殊搜尋管道-關聯式搜尋(associative search),使其在搜尋項目時,能夠根據用戶個人的使用慣性,並在這樣的操作環境中獲取所需要求。


Because of continuous innovation and improvement of mobile devices, user requirements showed diversified. In order to meet individual needs, users installed more and more applications on the devices. This situation would lead to messy applications organization and it is difficult in managing and finding needed applications on the device. However, on the market the mobile devices have many systems with management and organization functions, but they are more confined to the application in the form of category management. And the users need to create categories manually. These systems allow users to search the item they needed from the category shortcut, or to use a search engine to look for items by entering a keyword. But when the number of items in the category document is huge, this search method is not efficient, and it may even be unable to find the needed items. Therefore, in this thesis we propose an architecture and prototype of personalized management system which is based on android platform. Its main objective is to facilitate the application management on the device. In addition to automatic application categorization, our system also provides user an associative way to search needed items. According to user’s usage behavior, users can fulfill their requirements in the operating environment of associative search.


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