  • 學位論文


The Relationship Among Culture Identity, Dual Autonomous Capacities and Well-being of Cross Culture Kids (CCK)

指導教授 : 張貴傑


本研究目的在探討跨文化青少年多元文化認同、雙元自主性和幸福感三者之間的關係。以68位在國際學校完成高中文憑,在18歲前有國際搬遷經驗,目前在世界各地就讀大學的華人跨文化青少年為研究參與者,以問卷和深度訪談作為研究方式,結果顯示如下: 一、在多元文化認同方面,「整合」的傾向較高。男性在「整合」組態上傾向較高,在「區隔」組態上,女性傾向較高。然而在深度訪談中發現,男性在「區隔」的傾向較明顯,女性跨則傾向於「整合」。 二、在雙元自主性方面,「關係自主性」的傾向較高。在性別差異上,男性在「個體化自主性」和「關係自主性」的平均值,程度皆高於女性。深度訪談發現,跨文化青少年「個體化自主性」受到國際學校影響,尤其在課業學習表現上,受訪者皆展現高度個體化自主性。 三、在主觀幸福感方面,「個人取向」傾向較高。深度訪談發現,個人取向和社會取向的面向,性別沒有差異。在個人取向方面,跨文化青少年能夠享受自己獨處時的幸福,且皆有自己的嗜好。訪談中也發現,受訪者仍十分在意父母的感受,社會取向中的「角色責任」色的責任,有著重要的角色。 四、「整合」與「社會取向幸福觀」為顯著正相關。 五、「整合」和「關係自主性」為顯著正相關、「區隔」與「個體化自主性」為顯著負相關、「類別」與「關係自主性」為顯著正相關 六、「社會取向幸福觀」與「關係自主性」有顯著正相關。「角色責任」與「關係自主性」有顯著正相關 七、「社會取向幸福觀」在「整合」與「關係自主性」具有部分中介效果。在多元文化認同的「整合」的傾向越高,個體在面對不同的文化差異時,容易整合彼此之間的相似與差異。當「社會取向幸福觀」越高,個體越能展現同理心,適應並維持關係品質,促進個體在「關係自主性」的履行,能以維繫關係品質和超越自我的角度來達到相依的自我認同。 最後依據上述研究發現,對於未來相關研究以及華人跨文化多元文化認同,雙元自主性和幸福感提出具體的建議。


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between multicultural identity, dual autonomous capacities, and well-being among Han Chinese CCK. Self-report data were collected from 68 college students who completed their high school diplomas from international schools and had cross-country relocation before the age 18. The summarized results are as follow: 1. For MULTIIS, the overall tendency for “integration” was higher. Males were more inclined to the "integration" configuration, while females were more inclined to the "compartmentalization" configuration. 2. In terms of dual autonomous capacities, the overall tendency of "relational autonomy" was higher. For the gender differences, males are higher than females in both "individuating autonomy" and "relating autonomy". 3. In terms of subjective well-being, the "individual oriented " had higher tendency. In-depth interviews revealed that there was no gender difference between individual and social orientations. In terms of individual orientation, CCK can enjoy their happiness when they are alone, and they all have their own hobbies. The interviews also revealed that CCK cared a lot about their parents' feelings, and the "role obligation" of social orientation well-being played an important role. 4. The “integration” is positively related with the “social oriented” well-being. 5. The “integration” is positively related with the “relating autonomy”. The “compartmentalization” is negatively related with “individuating autonomy”. The “categorization” is positively related with “individuating autonomy”. 6. The “social oriented” is positively related with the “relating autonomy”. The “role obligation” is positively related with “relating autonomy”. 7. The "social oriented" has a partially mediating effect on "integration" and "relating autonomy". The higher the tendency of "integration" in multicultural identity, the easier for CCK to integrate the similarities and differences in multi-cultural environment. Finally, based on the research findings, the suggestions are made for future research for Chinese CCK in multicultural identity, dual autonomous capacities, and well-being.


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