  • 學位論文


The theory and practice of Nation-Building: a case study of Kosovo independence

指導教授 : 翁明賢


國家建構(Nation-Building)是一個規範性的概念,常用於指當一個國家發生內部重大危機、政府失能或是淪為失敗國家,以致於需要外部國家或許以武力來介入並協助,而使其得以在外國的幫助下重新恢復穩定與重建社會秩序,或是成功進行政體轉型。國家建構是一個過程,簡單來說,是協助標的國執行戰亂後的後衝突重建,並過渡轉型到和平、穩固與穩定的過程。國家建構可以以不同的方式來下定義,但無論如何它始終涉及一個外部力量干涉另一個國家的內部事務,而介入的方式可能包含外交政治上的斡旋與折衝甚或是軍事工具的介入等。 科索沃原為位於東南歐巴爾幹半島上前南斯拉夫聯邦共和國內隸屬於塞爾維亞的一個自治省,但由於該省人口約有90%是阿爾巴尼亞人,而塞爾維亞人與其他少數族群則只佔了10%的人口。由於人口結構如此特殊,及阿爾巴尼亞人與塞爾維亞人在語言、宗教信仰上皆不同,再加上雙方對於科索沃的歷史認知不同,因此科索沃一直想要獨立。在1990年代,南斯拉夫聯邦內共和國紛紛醞釀出走而引發大規模內戰時,不願失去科索沃的塞爾維亞便對科索沃阿裔進行種族清洗行動,而該行徑引起國際社會關注,最後在北約以「人權高於主權」之名義對不肯妥協的塞爾維亞進行的轟炸,才迫使塞爾維亞領導人米洛塞維奇讓步。 戰後的科索沃在聯合國第1244(1999)號決議案下,由北約進行去除武裝等軍事行動與維持秩序與穩定,並成立聯合國臨時特派團負責統轄管理科索沃行政事務,且由歐盟協助科索沃進行經濟的恢復與民主政治的建立。在聯合國駐科索沃特派團與國際社會的努力下,協助科索沃與塞爾維亞進行科索沃最終地位談判,阿裔與塞裔雙方雖無法達成共識,但在主要大國的支持下,科索沃於2008年2月17日宣布獨立,成為一主權獨立國家。 本文研究出發點為探討國際勢力如何協助戰亂國家重建和平到國家確立的過程,並以科索沃作為實際研究案例。不僅闡述國家建構的概念與理論,並於介紹完科索沃案例後,將理論與實務作一比對檢證,如科索沃戰後重建過程是否符合國家建構的程序或具備成功要素等。


科索沃 國家建構 國際干預


“Nation Building” invariably involves intervention by an outside power in the internal workings of a state. Through the aids from other nations, international institutions, and NGOs, these institutions do hard work of trying to help dysfunctional or unstable states with the transition from post-conflict civil war to civil society. The tasks include: stabilizing the target country with the provision of humanitarian assistance, rebuilding the infrastructure, relieving disaster, developing economic, building self sustaining political institutions. Kosovo was once a land which inhabited by Serbs, but now is a land overwhelmingly populated by Albanians. The claims for the possession of Kosovo and the ethic contradictions remain the core problem between the Serbs and the Albanians. Since the dismemberment of Yugoslavia, the Kosovo independence movement has become enlarging the scale of their actions. The situation led Yugoslav President Milosevic to accelerate “ethnic cleansing” policy in Kosovo. After increasingly intense NATO bombing action, Milosevic accepted NATO’s conditions. UNSCR 1244(1999) prescribed arrangements for Kosovo’s post-conflict governance, establishing an UN-led international administration. In 2008, the Assembly of Kosovo’s Provisional Institutions of Self-Government held a session and it adopted a “declaration of independence,” which declared Kosovo an Independent and sovereign state. This study try to discuss how international societies do their efforts on helping a unstable or post-conflict country to build a peace and well-organized nation by case study of Kosovo. Not only describing the concepts and the theory of nation building, but also inspect the parallel between the theory and the practice process.


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