  • 學位論文


Counter-Terrorism and security: EU policy toward Hamas-led Palestinian Authority.

指導教授 : 張福昌


哈瑪斯緣起於埃及的穆斯林兄弟會,1987年成立後成為巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭反抗組織,透過運作完善的社會福利系統(Da’wa)逐步於基層擴展勢力。1982年哈瑪斯的精神領袖雅辛開始籌組秘密武裝部隊,1991年時,雅辛整合原有的安全部門組成卡薩姆軍團,成為哈瑪斯重要的一部分。2006年哈瑪斯參選巴勒斯坦國會議員選舉,大獲全勝成為國會最大黨,並推派總理入主內閣,其象徵的意義極其重要。 在「共同安全與防衛政策」的架構下,歐盟相當關注巴勒斯坦當局的新發展,同時執行2項民事危機管理任務,分別為:協助邊境管理的「歐盟拉法邊界協助任務」與協助民事警察的「歐盟警察任務」。遺憾的是,巴勒斯坦地區的安全情勢每況愈下,引發的後續效應著實影響歐盟巴勒斯坦政策的走向。歐盟基於安全考量,決定暫時終止拉法檢查哨的任務,而警察任務則僅限於約旦河西岸地區。歐盟的雙軌政策,可能將已分裂的巴勒斯坦當局導向更為分歧的局勢,而以歐盟目前的能力與政策效能觀之,實難以提出決定性的政策來解決膠著超過60年的以巴衝突現況。


Hamas, originated from the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, emerged as an Islamic resistant group after its establishment in 1987 and has been supported by its well-functioning social welfare system named Da’wa. Gradually, Hamas expanded and exerted its influence on the grassroots. In 1982, Hamas’ spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin started to organize an underground military wing and incorporated all security units into an Al-Qassam Brigade in the year of 1991. As a result, the Al-Qassam Brigade becomes the main part of Hamas. The sensational victory of the Palestinian Legislative Council Election in 2006 enabled Hamas to be the ruling party in the Palestinian Authority signifying its meaning and importance. Within the structure of Common Security and Defence Policy, the EU has paid pertinent attention to the new development in the Palestinian Authority and launched two civilian Crisis Management Missions, namely EU BAM RAFAH and EUPOL COPPS, to Palestine. Unfortunately, the security situation in the Palestinian territory is getting worse. In 2006 Hamas unilaterally occupied Gaza Strip by force. Based on security reason, EU temporarily stopped the Rafah Crossing Mission and let the Police Mission merely work in the West Bank. In conclusion, EU’s two-way policy may lead the already separated Palestinian Authority to a new confrontation. At present, the EU cannot do any decisive contribution to the 60-year long Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Nye, Joseph S., JR.: Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and Hisory, New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 2000.
