  • 學位論文


Design and evaluate the Multi-route schedule and the road map on the board

指導教授 : 陳菀蕙
共同指導教授 : 張勝雄(Sheng-Hsiung Chang)


公車與客運車為都會區與鄉村地區為最普遍使用的大眾運輸工具,但目前所提供的運輸資訊不能滿足使用者的需求。鄉村地區班次少、班距長,需要在搭車前知道可搭乘班次幾點會到,較節省等車時間;都會區則是班次密集、路線多,需要整合的多公車路線圖,雖然目前已設立許多智慧型站牌,但相關調查顯示,乘客還是較喜歡傳統的乘車資訊手冊與站牌資訊。高齡者之生理狀況較一般人差,為了滿足更多的使用者,本研究設計時將以此作為設計之準則。 本研究主要先了解使用者的需求,接著進行現況分析,從兩者中了解目前未符合使用者需求之處,並以此作為設計時的考慮依據,以滿足所提供的資訊能滿足使用者的需求。設計過程主要從一方案中了解問題並產生另一新方案,以此循環不斷地產生方案,最後歸納其設計原則。方案產生完成後,給予受測者一實際情境自行查詢,若答錯則會詳細詢問其答錯原因,並給予一類似地點再查詢一次。最後從受測者對於各方案之答對率、查詢時間與偏好,綜合作為評估方案之依據。 結果顯示,受測者較偏好彙整的多路線站牌路線圖與乘車手冊時刻表的新設計,並且能在很短的時間內查到所需的資訊,在偏好方面也以新設計的最好,並由多路線之站牌路線圖的情境查詢中了解使用者之願意查詢路線圖張數,最後歸納出相關之設計原則,供後續設計之參考。


Bus and passenger transport bus are most common transportation in urban and rural areas. However, so far the transport information hasn’t been enough to satisfy passenger demand. There are not many transportation runs in rural areas, and the headway between each run is so long. It is necessary to know the transportation schedule to save time; in urban areas, the transportation runs are more intense and the routines are more complicated, we may need the multi-route road map and schedule with integration. Although now there are many e-bus stops, passengers still prefer conventional transport information in paper and original stops according to related survey. The physiology status of elders is inferior to other people. In order to satisfy more users, this research is designed based on the principle. This research finds out users demand at first, and then analyzes the status quo to know the part which does not correspond with customer demands, and take all of them into consideration for design to gratify user’s demand. The process of this design finds out problems from one project, and brings another one in circulation; in the end we conclude the design principles. After the project is done, we give the testers a real situation to consult by themselves; if the answer is incorrect, we will ask the reason in detail, and offer them a similar location and have them checking it again. In the end, we sum up the design according to the testers’ accuracy in each project, the consulting time, and their preferences. It shows that testers could find out what they need in a brief time when using updated multi-route road map schedule. As for the preference, the newly designed multi-route road map schedule is more welcomed. It could be seen in situation consultation that the users’ inclination for multi-route road maps. In the end, we conclude the related design principles for following reference.


Caulfield, B., and M. M. O’Mahony., (2007). An examination of the public transit information requirements of users. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transport Systems 8(1), 21-30.
Designing for older adults:principles and creative human factors approaches. USA: CRC Press.
