  • 學位論文


A Study of Strategic Behaviors on Channel Partnerships Among Sanitary Wares’OEM Suppliers and Their Buyers (Distributors) - An Application of Game Theory

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 楊立人(Li-Ren Yang)


本研究主要以賽局理論分析兩家台灣衛浴代工供應商與一家美國批發商的夥伴與競合關係。台灣衛浴代工業呈完全競爭市場的情況下,供應商間與買方的競爭互動過程就如同一場賽局。本研究以兩個過去發生的重要事件作為深度訪談的主軸,本研究屬個案研究,蒐集個案公司資料,對供應商與買方進行深度訪談,發展出研究架構。推導出命題如下: 一、通路關係中供應商與買方的關係越屬長期合作,買方背離夥伴關係之機率將隨時間之延長而增加,終究將危害供應商之利益。 二、通路關係中買方運用「強制權」,將供應商間之關係持續往競爭方向推動時,最後終將導致買方日後的損失。 三、通路關係中供應商之能跳脫其與買方或其他供應商間之傳統關係結構,主要原因常是受到賽局遊戲中之先前失敗經驗的影響。 本研究之結論與給企業的建議如下: 一、企業在通路夥伴關係良好的情況下,除應與買方隨時保持溝通,並應與競爭供應商間有一定的交換訊息管道。 二、組織間的關係複雜,資訊多到無法分析,重要事件發生的時間前後,也是應善加入考慮。 關鍵字:通路夥伴關係,策略行為,賽局理論,衛浴五金


This research applies game theory to probe into the competitive relationship among two OEM suppliers in Taiwan Sanitary wares’ and their distributor in USA. In nowadays, sanitary ware OEM in Taiwan has become perfectly competitive market. Competitive situation among suppliers and their buyers seem to be games. This research focus two different major incidents happened amount all players, through these incidents, the research discusses channel partnerships, game theory and competitive strategic behaviors. This study is a case study, collecting case companies’ information after several profound interviews, inducing different mentioned theories, building up research framework and finally resulted in below prepositions: 1. Channel partnerships among suppliers and buyers is long-term basis, a great chance that buyers betray to their suppliers would demolish as long as their relationships achieved. 2. If a buyer uses coercive power towards a supplier in a channel partnership and drive a supplier to a competitive situation, then buyer would ended up with a loss. 3. A supplier would distant from a long-term relationships due to past failure in games. Last, this research works out conclusions and recommendations to corporates as below: 1. Under positive channel partnerships, all parties should keep communication channel open, not only with buyers and very importantly with their suppliers. 2. Organizational relationship could be very complicated with great amount of information flow. Time-frame in different incidents among suppliers and distributors should also be considered.


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