  • 學位論文


Asean Economic Integration”Challenges and Oppprtunities

指導教授 : 曾復生


區域主義的討論與實踐自1990年代起已經成為新的趨勢。東協區域經濟整合以東協、中國及日本為貿易整合三大路線,全球化與區域整合是當前世界經濟演變的兩大特點,向來在區域經濟整合落後於歐美地區的東亞,近來因自由貿易協定(FTA)風潮急起直追,以地緣經濟體概念而言中國、日本及東協國家是FTA洽簽主軸,也是未來全球區域政經版圖重整幅度最大的地區。 東協經過1997年的金融風暴後,1998年的「東協投資區架構協定」是希望增加外國直接投資,2008年實施的東協憲章,是希望再加強法人地位,但未來發展仍有隱憂及變數。亞太經合會目前會員增至21個,但因尚未制度化,實際運作效果不彰、未來發展仍有困難。東協加1(中國)於1997年成形,但因東協與中國處於競爭的地位,所以緩和彼此的對立是未來一大考驗。東協加3(中國、日本和南韓)這個名稱於1999年正式啟用。中國和日本之間的相互關係是成功關鍵所在,如果雙方能化解歷史仇恨和解決利益衝突,前途將是康莊大道。 新雙邊主義是區域主義中的另一項發展,東協各國甚至包括東亞也不例外。目前東協與各國經濟整合,還主要處於較低的層次關稅,但距真正的東亞自由貿易區,還有好長一段路要走。減讓和貿易障礙的排除,尚未全面觸及到較深的層次經濟整合。但其最終目標,為透過貿易協定和區域經濟合作,促進互動和互信,進而產生區域認同。 關鍵詞:全球化;區域整合;東協自由貿易區;「中國-東協自由貿易區」;亞太經合組織;自由貿易協定。


The discussion of regionalism and practice since the 1990s has become a new trend. Association of Southeast Asian Association for regional economic integration to the east, China and Japan to integrate the three main routes for trade, globalization and regional integration is the current world economy and the evolution of the two major characteristics of the regional economic integration has been lagging behind Europe and the United States in East Asia region, the recent free Trade Agreement (FTA) the wave catch up to the concept of geo-economies in terms of China, Japan and ASEAN countries to sign FTA contact spindle, but also the future of regional political and economic map of the world's biggest re-engineering areas. ASEAN in 1997 after the financial turmoil of 1998 "ASEAN Investment Area Framework Agreement" is to increase foreign direct investment, in 2008 the implementation of the ASEAN Charter is to further strengthen the legal status, but there are still problems and future development variables. APEC members to increase the current 21, but has not yet been institutionalized, the actual operation ineffective, there are still difficulties in the future development. ASEAN plus one (China) in 1997, forming, but ASEAN competition with China in the position, so to ease each other's opposition is a major test of the future. ASEAN plus 3 (China, Japan and South Korea) The name was officially opened in 1999. China and Japan, the relationship between the key to a successful, if both sides can resolve the history of hatred and resolve conflicts of interest, the future will be a broad road. Bilateralism is the new regionalism in another development, ASEAN countries and even in East Asia is no exception. At present, ASEAN economic integration with other countries, but also the principal at a low level of tariffs, but from a genuine free trade zone in East Asia, there is a good long way to go. Reduction of trade barriers and exclusion, are not yet fully touched deeper levels of economic integration. But its ultimate goal, through trade agreements and regional economic cooperation and promote interaction and mutual trust, and then have a regional identity.


Globalization Regional Integration AFTA China-ASEAN FTA APEC FTA




