  • 學位論文


A Study of the Social and Economic Benefits for The Taiwan High Speed Railway Construction.

指導教授 : 何煖軒
共同指導教授 : 黃哲盛


在諸多國家發展高速鐵路之後,台灣的高速鐵路也吸取其他國家的經驗發展出屬於自己的高速鐵路系統,儘管發展初期不被看好,但在經過幾年的發展之後,已經逐漸成為我國大眾運輸的主力。高鐵的市場佔有率的提升影響著其他大眾運輸的發展,也將緊密地牽動我國運輸系統的面貌。   從日本的新幹線、法國的TGV與德國的ICE,世界三大高速鐵路發展經歷,及其高速鐵路之組織、營運發展歷程做一簡單剖析,並簡述這三個國家因為發展高速鐵路後帶來之經濟效益,作為我國高速鐵路發展的參考。   台灣的高速鐵路引自日本,使用日本新幹線的技術與車廂,可說是日本新幹線的翻版,藉由日本過去新幹線發展的過程中與台灣的高速鐵路相互比較,做為台灣高速鐵路發展的借鏡。   本研究將以其他國家高速鐵路發展的經驗中,以高速鐵路的經濟效益作為研究標的,亦即高速鐵路所帶來的外部與內部經濟效益,透過高速鐵路營運之後,如何促進經濟發展與影響國土發展面貌,作為分析的依據,並以高鐵營運之後所面對的瓶頸與實際發展狀況提出未來發展之競爭策略及經營管理所需強化之方向提出建議。


After the introduce of High Speed Rail (HSR) system by many countries, Taiwan has developed its own HSR system as well through referring the experience from them. Although Taiwan’s HSR draws criticisms and suspicions from the public in the very stage of development, it has become the major system of public transportation in Taiwan after several years. The market share of the HSR system has changed the landscape on the public transportation system in Taiwan.   This research will engage in general analysis on the structure and the developing process on Shinkansen of Japan, TGV of France and ICE of Germany. In addition, this research will briefly introduce on the economic benefits resulting from their HSR systems as reference for the future development of Taiwan HSR system.   Taiwan’s HSR system was imported and introduced from Japan. Compared to the past development of Japan’s Shinkansen, it can be a good experience for Taiwan for developing its HSR in the foreseeable future.   This research will focus on the economic benefits, so-called internal and external economic benefits, from the development of HSR system from above-mentioning countries. How the HSR systems have great impacts on the future landscape planning in Taiwan after the HSR system formally becomes operational. Finally, the research will offer some suggestions for Taiwan’s HSR system on its future management and operation.


13. 姜渝生(2008),中南部區域產業空間策略規劃,財團法人成大研究發展基金會。
15. 徐毅穎,台灣高速鐵路發展現況之探究,生活科技教育,第34卷1期,2001年01月。
17. 張國廷(2006),「都市旅次外部成本之研究」,國立台灣大學土木工程學研究所碩士論文。
19. 馮正民、林楨家、黃麟淇,台灣高速鐵路系統對地方發展之影響預測,運輸計劃季刊,第34 卷第3 期,391-412 頁。
16. 交通部運輸研究所,http://www.iot.gov.tw/


