  • 學位論文


Internet Marketing Strategy: The Case of Barack Obama in the 2008 American Presidential Campaign

指導教授 : 黃介正


隨著科技進步與時代變遷,使得選舉型態日趨多元化。網際網路、電子郵件、社群網路以及行動通訊等,成為選民與候選人互動的新傳播媒介;候選人爭取提名、募款、造勢、宣傳、發表政見、建立形象等,都已漸漸依賴虛擬網路世界的傳播。究竟網路是否幫助候選人獲得較大勝選機率? 本論文是以2008年美國總統候選人歐巴馬為研究對象,透過文獻歸納探討歐巴馬網路選舉宣傳的行銷方式、競選團隊內部管理策略,以及歐巴馬網路競選行銷之策略影響與效益。 本論文共分為六大章,首先介紹分析網路傳播的無遠弗屆,並探討美國選舉宣傳邁入網路虛擬世界的時程;其次分析討論歐巴馬的選舉工作團隊,從團隊內部管理到其賦予歐巴馬的形象塑造;再次探討歐巴馬所使用的網路競選行銷之策略,分析其競選官方網站、網路廣告策略以及其他運用網路媒體的行銷方式;最後,對於其網路競選策略之期望效果與實際反應進行評估。


As technology progresses and time goes by, the forms of elections held become increasingly diversified. Internet, email, social networks, and cell phones are new types of media that connect candidates and voters. Candidates aim for nomination and work to carry out fundraising campaigns, propaganda, express political views, and build an image that relies on word of mouth and social media networks. Will the internet assist with higher probability of winning elections? This thesis is based on Barack Obama’s actions in the 2008 American Presidential Campaign. It reviews literatures that summarize the campaign efforts of Barack Obama in terms of marketing propaganda, management strategy, as well as the impact and effectiveness of strategies used in internet marketing. The thesis is divided into six chapters. It first analyzes the utility and impact of the internet. Secondly, it discusses election propaganda in America, and how this plays out via the internet. Thirdly, it examines image building, from the campaign team to its internal management. Fourthly, the paper provides an analysis of Barack Obama’s Internet marketing strategies, analyzing the Campaign website, internet advertisement strategy and other internet media marketing methods. Finally, it assesses campaign strategies that explore the effect of the internet on voters’ expectations as well as their actual responses.


汪萬里。「網際網路為美國總統選舉帶來新紀元-狄恩選戰的啟示」。玄奘資訊傳播學報1期(民93年8月): 1-20。


