  • 學位論文

台灣地區攜子自殺現象的探討 -從台、美、日文化差異的觀點

An Investigation of Filicide-Suicide in Taiwan:From the Perspective of Cultural Differences among Taiwanese, American and Japanese Cultural

指導教授 : 黃國隆


本研究的目的乃欲從2002年至2007年台灣攜子自殺死亡之相關報導來暸解父母親(加害者)與孩童(受害者)之特徵、攜子自殺的動機與原因,並從台灣、美國、日本的文化差異觀點來比較這三國攜子自殺現象,並根據研究發現提出對自殺防治策略的建議,以供相關機構參考。 本研究以攜子自殺個案為研究對象,亦即親生父母親先殺害自己的親生子女(年齡在18歲以下,包括18歲),然後自殺死亡。研究個案取樣時間為2002年1月1日至2007年10月31日。資料來源係根據國內四大報紙及網際網路電子新聞媒體。結果發現共有78件攜子自殺事件,其中25件(佔32.1%)為父攜子自殺事件,39件(佔50.0%)為母攜子自殺事件,14件(佔17.9%)為全家自殺事件。 本研究發現攜子自殺之加害者的動機以「利他型」(佔73.1%)為主,加害者的年齡以25-44歲佔多數(佔74.4%),受害者年齡以12歲以下的孩童為多(6歲以下,佔45.1%;7-12歲,佔41.6%),自殺方法以燒炭最多(佔66.7%),經濟問題(佔52.6%)或婚姻感情問題(佔30.8%)為攜子自殺最常見的促發因素。 本研究分析台灣攜子自殺死亡個案的特徵,發現攜子自殺與文化因素、經濟問題、婚姻感情問題與健康問題有關,所以根據研究發現針對預防策略,家庭教育及未來的研究方向提出具體的建議。


The present study was aimed to investigate the characteristics of parents (perpetrators) and children (victims) as well as motives and causes in filicide-suicide, based on news reports in Taiwan from 2002 to 2007. Cultural differences were taken into account by comparing filicide-suicide incidents in Taiwan, USA and Japan. Recommendations on suicide prevention strategy were also made based on research findings. The current study focused on filicide-suicide incidents, in which the parent(s) murdered their biological children (aged 18 years old or under) and then commit suicide. Research data were collected from four of the largest newspaper publishers in Taiwan and news reports from internet from 1/1/2002 to 10/31/2007. Of total 78 filicide-suicide incidents found, 32.1% was the father, 50.0% was the mother, and 17.9% were both parents who murdered their children. It was found that the primary motivation of filicide-suicide were “altruistic” (73.1%). Most of perpetrators were aged between 25 and 44 years old (74.4%), and children aged under twelve were most likely to be killed (45.1% were under six and 41.6% aged between 7 and 12). Charcoal burning was most commonly used (66.7%) method. Furthermore, economics and relationship problems in marriage were reported to be the most common factors (52.6% and 30.8%, respectively) in filicide-suicide. The current study analyzed the characteristics of filicide-suicide in Taiwan and found that filicide-suicide was related to culture, economics, marriage or relationship problem and health issue. Based on the research findings, preventive strategies, family education and further research directions were suggested.


