  • 學位論文


TMRP:Tree-based Multipath Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

指導教授 : 王英宏


無線感測器網路係由多個感測器節點所組成,這些感測器節點具有感測能力、計算能力和無線通訊能力。這些簡單且不具移動能力的感測器節點會被隨意的佈置在廣闊的地理區域中,用來監測某些活動,例如:危險戰場上、農業應用上及海洋的監測等。 在感測器網路中最主要的設計重點就是有效率的使用有限的電量,在設計路由協定方面最主要是要能夠延長整個感測器節點的生存時間。當感測器節點被隨意的佈署之後,有一些節點傳送資料的方法已經被提出來了,包括有節點直接傳送資料的方式、平坦式或叢集式的路由協定等。在本論文中,提出一個應用於無線感測器網路中以樹狀結構為基礎之多重路徑路由協定,本論文提出的路由協定中,一開始整個網路會被建構成樹狀式的架構,在此架構下感測器節點會透過不同的候選父節點產生出多條資料回傳的路徑,用來分散整個節點消耗的電力,以延長整個網路的生存時間。本論文也提出模擬測試,以驗證我們所提的方法會比其他結構的路由協定還要來的好,並且可以改善網路的生存時間。


Wireless sensor networks consist of small nodes with sensing, computation and wireless communication capabilities. In many emerging application scenarios (e.g., battlefield surveillance, large-area and perimeter monitoring in agriculture, and autonomous ocean scientific sampling), a large number of such simple immobile nodes are deployed in a vast geographical area to monitor activities or environmental conditions. The energy efficiency is a substantial key design issue in such networks. An efficient routing protocol is critical to prolong the life of sensor nodes. Several methods for transmitting data in randomly deployed sensor nodes have been proposed, including direct communication, flat and clustering protocols. In this paper, we propose a Tree-Based Multipath Routing Protocol (TMRP) for wireless sensor networks. According to the proposed TMRP, the wireless sensor network is initially constructed as a layered network. Based on the layered network, sensor nodes have multipath routes to the sink node through candidate parent nodes. In this paper, the verification simulation is also executed to prove the proposed TMRP can increase the lifetime of sensor networks better than other protocol


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