  • 學位論文


The Design and Development of “Chinese Language e-learning Instructional Design Course”

指導教授 : 徐新逸


近年來由於全球華語熱現象,政府投入大量的經費致力推動海內外華語文數位學習產業的發展,大專院校與產業界也紛紛投入華語文數位學習建設。大專校院與產業界紛紛設立華語師資班以培訓華語師資人才。然而,各大專校院與產業界之正規教育與非正規教育之數位華語師資的培訓重點,多以數位科技能力養成為主,似有忽略教學設計能力,使華語教師於實際教學的應用有落差(信世昌,2009;舒兆民,2010)。此外, 一些研究發現培訓華語師資應重視教學設計之概念,應提升華語教師重視應用科技來配合華語教學,而非華語文教學配合科技(鄭錦全,2009:謝天蔚,2001)。故本研究目的為探討華語師資培訓班學員之需求,設計與發展「華語文數位教學設計」數位學習課程,並評鑑該課程之成效。 本研究主要是運用設計發展研究法,先以文獻分析與訪談界定需求,並透過訪談華語教學學科內容專家,確認該課程內容與架構,課程內容依ASSURE教學設計模式為課程架構之基礎,並強化華語文教學之特殊性於各教學設計步驟中,共分為七個單元:(一)前言:介紹華語文數位教學設計之概念與其重要性、(二)分析學習者:介紹分析華語學習者之特性、(三)敘述目標:介紹敘述目標之重要性與撰寫原則,並以外語學習5C原則輔以檢視、(四)選擇方法、媒體和教材:介紹華語文常用與其他第二語言教學法、媒體、教材和華語文網路教學資源、(五)使用媒體和教材:介紹五項使用教學媒體之基本步驟、(六)激發學習者參與:介紹激發學習者參與之必要性、華語文課堂實例與方法、(七)評鑑與修正:介紹評鑑與修正之概念與必要性。進而參照Smith 和Ragan (2005)之原則,進行以講述式、前導組織、提問、實例呈現、關聯圖與經驗分享等教學策略設計。接著,發展課程並實施為期一週線上課程,計有14位淡江大學華語師資班學員參加課程。最後,透過華語文教學專家及華語師資班學員進行本課程之形成性評鑑及修正。 研究結果顯示,參加學員與評鑑專家對華語文數位教學設計數位學習課程之規劃與教材設計,皆持正面看法與回饋。學習者滿意度評鑑整體總平均在四點量表中為3.16分;問卷及訪談結果,學習者與評鑑專家皆表示本課程對日後華語文數位教學之幫助。研究成果亦發展出「華語文數位教學設計檢核表」,以作為華語教師進行數位教學時之設計參考。本研究能協助有意願擔任華語文數位教學的教師培養其華語文數位教學設計能力,並作為其開課前的準備,與提升其教學品質與成效。


Due to the trend of Learning Chinese Language as the global learning issue, Taiwanese government has devoted to the development of e-learning of Chinese language. Besides, colleges and related industries have activated to build up both foreign and domestic market of e-learning of Chinese language, and has set Chinese language training programs to train the Chinese language teacher. However, the training content put too much focus on skills of using technology than instruction design, then found the gap between training and teaching.(Shin,2009 & Shu,2010 ) In addition, Xie(2001) and Cheng(2009) pointed out that the Chinese language teaching training institute should put more focus on training the concept of instructional design, and also reconstruct the concept of using technology which should be focused on application not usage. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to discuss the needs of members of Chinese language teaching training program, design and develop “e-learning instructional design of Chinese language” e-learning course, and evaluate the effectiveness of the course. The study adopted Design-based research method. The research process includes Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. At the Analysis phase, to clarify the needs by literature review and interview, and also confirm the course content and structure of the course by Chinese language content experts. The course content is based on the ASSURE Model, which are enriched with the specific characteristics. The course is separated into seven units: (1)Introduction, (2)Analyze Learners, (3) State Objectives, (4)Select Methods, Media and Materials, (5) Using Media and Materials, (6)Require Learners Participation, (7) Evaluation and Revise. The course also consulted instructional strategies of Smith & Ragan(2005) that were included lecturing, advanced organizer, asking questions, giving real examples, relation map, experience sharing, etc., then, developed the course. At the implementation phase, the study invited 14 learners to read the on-line course in one week. At the evaluation phase, the study invited Chinese language content experts and also the testing learners to do the formative evaluation of this course. The results of formative evaluation showed comments from participators and experts, which also showed affirmative and positive feedback to the course. The total average of learners’ satisfactory showed in Likert’s scale is 3.16. The results from the questionnaire and interview of learners and experts both pointed that this course is useful to the future teaching job. Based on the research results, the study also develops a job aid to provide guidance for Chinese Language teachers to do Chinese Language e-learning instruction design. This study could help those people who are willing to be the e-learning Chinese language teacher to train their ability of Chinese language e-learning instruction design to prepare class, and also improve teaching quality and effectiveness.




