  • 學位論文


Confucianism and Buddhism for the "Sensual Desire" in Practice on Further Studies of Argumentation: Based on the Analects of Confucius and the Samyuktāgama Sutra

指導教授 : 高柏園 蔡耀明


本文主要依據儒家經典的《論語》,以及佛家經典的《雜阿含經》,展開對於感官欲望的探究。本文的焦點,主要放在感官欲望。論述的脈絡,以儒家的道德修養之道、佛家的解脫道的修行道路以及兩條修學道路的比較為三大主軸。義理的鋪陳,著重在儒家與佛家的修學道路所關切的理路。也就是以儒家的道德修養、佛家的解脫道,以及兩條道路的比較為三條進展的理路,著眼於感官欲望的活動,打造出儒家與佛家對於感官欲望在修學道路上的探究,進而比較兩者的差異,看出儒家與佛家的觀點在基礎與根本上有何不同之處。   這篇論文架構的安排,一共由六章串聯而成:第一章,「緒論」,依序論陳本文的研究主題、文獻依據、研究背景、學界研究概況、研究進路與方法、論述架構、研究目標。第二章,「釐清研究主題」,界說本文所要探討的關鍵概念──「感官欲望」、「實踐」、「道德修養」,並指出這些概念之間的關係,接著探問感官欲望何以成為值得關切的重大課題。第三章,「《論語》論述道德修養引導感官欲望在實踐上的倫理反思」,以《論語》為依據,對於感官欲望的探討,鋪陳出一條論述的理路。第四章,「《雜阿含經》以解脫道的修行駕馭感官欲望的運作」,以《雜阿含經》為依據,解析感官欲望的構成條件、生起的來源,以及《雜阿含經》是以什麼樣的世界觀為背景,探究如何藉由解脫道的修行,斷除感官欲望所造成的困擾。第五章,「《論語》與《雜阿含經》對於感官欲望在實踐上的比較」,提出在實踐上共通的論題,依次比較《論語》與《雜阿含經》對於感官欲望在修學道路、世界觀、如何觀察感官欲望的導向,以及如何教導修學方法的主張,呈現儒家與佛家的經典,對於感官欲望提出了哪些不同的看法。第六章,「結論與展望」,收攝全文,扼要歸納全文的論點,呈現這篇論文的研究成果,並且思考未來得以持續發展的方向。   經由如此的架構、論理,展開《論語》與《雜阿含經》對於感官欲望在實踐上的探究,期望達成的研究目標可整理為如下五點:其一,透過整理《論語》與《雜阿含經》的經文,有條理地看出兩部經典對於感官欲望這個課題的論述。其二,藉由界說、釐清關鍵概念,進一步到課題的處理,得以看出《論語》與《雜阿含經》針對重大課題所提出的論點,並非停留在歷史的陳跡中,也不被特定的情況所侷限,而是得以在時間、空間上通達無礙。其三,《論語》與《雜阿含經》對於感官欲望所提出的論點是觀察世界所得,足以拉近經典與生命世界、生活世界的距離,進一步體認到儒家、佛家的修學道路與生命、生活之間的關係。其四,修學的道路與生命、生活的關係得以透過論理的程序呈現出來,將可以提供實際操作時,在理論上的依據,排除實作與理論兩方面的缺失,一方面,像是空口說白話,實作上完全插不上手;另一方面,無法清楚論述實作的內容,將無從檢視實作過程的正確與否。其五,經由對於感官欲望的思考與論述,打造出來的道路,除了可修正、排除不正當的部份,也得以促成修學的道路在生命歷程中持續一貫地進行。


This research is based on Analects of Confucius from Confusianism and Samyuktāgama Sutra of Buddhism in order to discuss sensual desires. The discourse on sensual desires is through the doctrine of the moral cultivation from Confusianism, the path to liberation in Buddhism, and the comparison between these two as three of the main topics. This research focuses on Confusianism and Samyuktāgama Sutra of Buddhism, which takes the Analects of Confucius from Confusianism, Samyuktāgama Sutra of Buddhism and the comparison between these two as three basic rationales. This study uses the activity of sensual desires to discuss the differences between Confusianism and Buddhism on their basic viewpoints and foundations.   There are six chapters in this thesis. The first one is introduction; it states the research subject, literature review, research background, recent academic researches, research method, research discourse and objective. The second part is to clarify the research topic and define the key concepts of “sensual desires”, “practices” and “the doctrine of the moral cultivation.” By pointing out the relationships between these concepts, it further expresses how sensual desires becomes a valuable issue afterwards. In the third chapter, “Analects of Confucius discusses the ethical reflection on the practice of sensual desires which leads from the doctrine of the moral cultivation.” It is based on Analects of Confucius to discuss sensual desires and developing a discourse. The forth chapter, “Samyuktāgama Sutra uses the path to liberation to take control of sensual desires,” which is based on Samyuktāgama Sutra to analyze the constitution and development of sensual desires, and what background Samyuktāgama Sutra takes as a worldview in order to understand how to eliminate the perplex caused by sensual desires through practicing the path to emancipation. In the fifth chapter, “ the comparison on practicing sensual desires between Analects of Confucius and Samyuktāgama Sutra,” throught the Analects of Confucius and Samyuktāgama Sutra, it proposes a common issue on practice, which compares the declaration of how to teach the methods for further studies, learning, world view, the way of later observation on sensual desires, and proposing perspectives on sensual desires. The last but not the least, “conclusion and prospect,” it concludes the discourses of the whole paper, presenting the achievements of this research and discussing the possible direction in the future research.   According to the construction and discourse, this study probes into the discussion on the practice of sensual desire between Analects of Confucius and Samyuktāgama Sutra. There are five possible research objectives as below. First, by arranging the scriptures of Analects of Confucius and Samyuktāgama Sutra, people can understand discussion on sensual desire on these two classics. Second, from the definition and the clarification of key concept to the handling of the discourse, it proposes issues from Analects of Confucius and Samyuktāgama Sutra, which not only stays in the track of history but also not limited by certain circumstances. They are free on both time and space. The third, the sensual desires which Analects of Confucius and Samyuktāgama Sutra propose comes from the observation of the world, which bring the classics close to the living world, the distance in living world and the realization of the relationships between the learning in Confusianism and Buddhism and life and living. The forth, the relationship between the path of learning and life and living could be presented through the process of logic which can offer the theoretical basis while practicing to avoid the flaw on both theory and practice. On the one hand, it’s like making empty promises, different from practicing; on the other hand, it couldn’t clarify the content of theoretical practicing, there’s no way to examine whether the process of practicing is positive or not. The fifth, according to the thinking and the discourse of sensual desires, it can not only modify or eliminate the improper part, but also encourage the learning path consistently progressing during the process of life.


