  • 學位論文


The Study of Six Sigma Approach on Semiconductor Testing Quality

指導教授 : 李旭華


台灣的半導體測試業是在1980年後蓬勃的發展,也造就了很多專業的半導體測試廠。且隨著IC製造廠投資額增大,加上廠房供給有限,促使IDM業者,在設備投資及管理成本等考量下,將測試訂單釋出,並交由專業的半導體測試廠進行測試已經成為趨勢。 由於半導體測試不同於一般製造業有存貨銷貨的壓力,測試業是以機台租用的時間收費,所以測試廠的經營績效在於機台利用率的高低,正常狀況下,扣除設備折舊與固定成本,利用率愈高利潤也愈高。因此提升設備有效的稼動率及產品的良率便可提升機台利用率,創造更多的利潤。   本研究是以六標準差的改善手法,並經由DMAIC的步驟,找出半導體測試流程中,影響設備稼動率及產品良率的原因並加以改善,以降低異常的發生,提升設備有效產出及獲利率。


The IC testing in Taiwan has grown dramatically after 1980, and also created a lot of professional semiconductor test facility. With IC manufacturing and investment increases, coupled with the limited supply of the plant, prompting IDM industry, in the measure of the cost of equipment investment and management considerations, will test released orders and hand over to a professional semiconductor test plant for testing, and this has become the trend. Unlike the semiconductor manufacturing with the pressure of inventory, the industry is testing machine with lease time charges, so the level of higher utilization of the machine under normal conditions can come to the optimal performance and profit after considering equipment depreciation and fixed costs. Therefore, to enhance effective equipment utilization rate and yield of products can enhance the utilization of the machine, and thus result in more profit. This study is based on Six Sigma improvement techniques, and through the DMAIC approach, the semiconductor testing processes are identified. The impact of the causes on equipment utilization rate and product yield is analyzed and the improvement actions have been taken to reduce defective products and enhance the utilization of equipment and relevant profit.


Six Sigma Management DMAIC FMEA DOE


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