  • 學位論文


The Role of Aid In Taiwan-Gambia Diplomatic Relationship: 1996-2013

指導教授 : 戴萬欽


甘比亞與台灣建立外交關係始於台灣給甘比亞的外援。因此,本論文試著探索在台甘邦交期間,外援在兩國間扮演的角色。本論文試著提供讀者從歷史的角度看甘比亞與台灣的關係,特別以對外援助為核心。 為了決定外援在兩國外交關係中扮演的角色,本論文著重於三個研究問題:一、台灣對甘比亞外援的本質與組成為何?二、台灣以外援為外交政策的效果為何?三、台灣對甘比亞外援計畫的遺緒為何? 本質性研究方法藉著採用第一手與第二手資料,來支持論文中所提出的假說,且有助找出問題的答案。 本論文檢驗台灣在甘比亞執行不同的發展計畫是否揭示對甘比亞的影響,且遺留印象給甘比亞的普羅大眾。本研究發現在農業與教育方面的援助是最有影響力的。這個結果顯示了多數甘比亞人仍然非常感謝台灣的協助,並且希望有朝一日兩國能再重新建交。


The Gambia-Taiwan diplomatic relationship revolved around the provision of aid by Taiwan to The Gambia. As a result, this thesis attempts to explore the role played by this aid during the period of diplomatic ties between the two countries. This research aims to provide the reader a historical perspective on the Gambia-Taiwan relationship with foreign aid at the core. In order to determine the role played by aid in the diplomatic relationship of the two countries, this research was focused on answering three questions; 1) what was the nature and composition of Taiwanese foreign aid in The Gambia? 2) How effective was Taiwan’s use of aid as a foreign policy tool? And 3) what is the legacy of Taiwan’s aid program in The Gambia? The qualitative research methodology was employed to help find the answers to these questions by consulting both primary and secondary sources to support the assumptions that are made in this thesis. The research examined the different development projects Taiwan implemented in The Gambia and shed light on the impacts these projects have had or still having on The Gambia and lives on the Gambian people in general. This research discovered that the agricultural and educational aids were the most impactful. The results also showed that, majority of Gambians are still appreciative of Taiwan’s assistance and are hoping one day the two countries will re-establish official ties.


International Cooperation and Development Fund. Annual Report. Taipei: Taiwan, 2006.
Rich,Timothy S. “Status for Sale: Taiwan and the Competition for Diplomatic Recognition.” Issues & Studies (2009):159-188.
Official Publications.
International Cooperation and Development Fund. Annual Report. Taipei: Taiwan, 1997.
International Cooperation and Development Fund. Annual Report. Taipei: Taiwan, 1998.
