  • 學位論文


A study on the effects of celebrity endorsement on one-sided and two-sided advertisement appeals

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 羅惠瓊(Hui-Chiung Lo)


在今日開放的社會中,言論自由已被利用與濫用了。廣告業者在推銷其產品時對此自由的百般利用,並沒有考慮到對消費者的長遠影響。諸多由廣告業者所提供的資訊或言論被過度誇大或部份蓄意地扭曲了。 此研究報告目的在於研究比較雙面性與單面性廣告對消費者購買意願的影響,並致力尋找有效的說服方法。單面性只提供正面的資訊,雙面性廣告同時提供正面與負面的訊息,此手法使得產品資訊顯得較為透明。廣告代言人的使用也是常見的廣告手法,此手法也被認為對於消費者的購買意願有正面的影響。因此,此研究將雙面性廣告與單面性廣告分別結合與排除使用廣告代言人的手法,進而比較其對消費者的購買意願,廣告可信度與廣告態度之影響。 此報告的研究樣本的抽樣來自於為淡江大學研究所與大學部的在學生,共152名學生。受訪者被要求填寫ㄧ份有關購買意願,廣告可信度與廣告態度的調查問卷。受訪者被要求填寫基本資料,其中包含性別,教育程度與年齡。研究資料以SPSS量化研究軟體進行分析。統計分析的技術使用包括了: 信度量表(reliability scale),T-檢定(t-test),多因子變異數分析(factor analysis)和雙因子變異數分析(2-way ANOVA)。 雖然雙面性與單面性廣告對於購買意願,廣告可信度與廣告態度上並未得到顯著的研究結果,名人代言廣告手法的使用對於購買意願與廣告態度則有顯著的研究結果。雙面性/單面性廣告與名人代言廣告在廣告可信度上均沒有顯著的結果。 再者,在單面性廣告排除名人代言的研究中發現,性別在影響購買意願,廣告可信度和廣告態度是個重要的因素。女性顯然相較於男性有著更高的購買意願,認為廣告較為可信與對廣告有較正面的態度。


In today's open society, freedom of speech has been used and abused. Advertisers do not hesitate to take advantage of this freedom to promote products regardless of the long-term effect on consumers as a whole. Many of these information or claims are exaggerated and some are even deliberately distorted. This study is an effort to seek an alternate path to attracting consumers through advertisement, which though unconventional as it might seem, dwells within the boundaries of ethical practice. Here, a two-sided advertisement, which is a bit more transparent as it provides positive as well as negative information on the product, is used alongside with one-sided advertisement that only use positive information. The use of spokesperson is also taken into consideration as a lot of corporations use them on their advertisements and they are known to have a positive impact on purchase intention, credibility of ad and attitude toward ad of consumers. Hence a combination of advertisements having one-sided or two-sided messages that includes and excludes a celebrity endorser is prepared and their effects on purchase intention, credibility of advertisement, and attitude towards advertisement studied. Data was gathered from Tamkang University and the participants included undergraduate and graduate students. A total of 152 samples were collected. Participants were asked to complete an instrument that included purchase intention, credibility of ad and attitude toward ad. They also filled in demographic data that included gender, education level, and age. The data was then analyzed using SPSS. Statistical techniques used include reliability scale, t-tests, factor analysis, and 2-way ANOVA. While the result failed to indicate any significant difference on purchase intention, credibility of ad and attitude toward ad for sidedness, the endorsement of celebrity did result in a significant difference on purchase intention and attitude toward ad. There wasn’t any statistical significance on credibility toward ad for either sidedness or celebrity endorsement. Also, within audience demographics for one-sided advertisement without celebrity endorsement, gender played a significant role in influencing purchasing intention, credibility of ad and attitude toward ad. Females seemed to have a higher purchase intention, accept the advertisement as more credible and had a more positive attitude toward advertisement than men.


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