  • 學位論文


Study on Detection of Liquid Presence in Glass Bottles Based on Image Recognition

指導教授 : 楊淳良


本論文展示一個基於圖像識別之玻璃瓶中液體存在檢測系統的設計與實現。主要工作原理是光在兩種折射率不同的介質之間的界面處折射,以改變前向光的方向。屏幕上特定的紅光圖樣是在玻璃瓶中多次折射光過程後生成的,本設計可以識別玻璃瓶中是否存在液體。 我們採用兩種不同的圖像識別技術去檢測玻璃瓶中的液體存在性。第一種是使用卷積類神經網路訓練的圖像分類,另一種則是使用OpenCV電腦視覺庫的邊緣偵測。紅光雷射源有兩種不同的光圖樣,分別是一字線圖樣及點狀圖樣。 所提出的系統可以在生產線中廣泛實施,以監視帶有液體的玻璃瓶。為了實現本研究的目的,僅需設置一紅光雷射、一具攝影機的樹莓派4 B型開發板、一屏幕和所提出的圖像識別技術即可。


This paper presents the design and implementation of the detection systems of liquid presence in glass bottles based on image recognition. The primary operating principle is the refraction of light at the interface between two media of different refractive indices to change the direction of forwarding light. The specific red light pattern on the screen is generated after many refractive light processes in a glass bottle, which design can give identifying whether liquid presents in glass bottles. We adopted two different image recognition methods to detect the presence of liquid in the glass bottle, one is the image classification based on convolutional neural network training, and the other is the edge detection based on the OpenCV computer vision library. The red laser source has two kinds of light patterns, such as a line pattern and a dot pattern, respectively. The proposed systems can widespread implement in the production lines to monitor glass bottles with liquid. To achieve the goal of this research, they are only necessary to set up a red laser, a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B development board with a camera, a screen, and the proposed image recognition techniques.


[1] 研華科技Advantech, “工業自動化,” available link: https://www.
[2] 台灣基恩斯股份有限公司, “液位檢測,” available link: https://www.
[3] 大恒圖像, “滿瓶檢測,” available link: http://www.daheng-imavision
