  • 學位論文


AI technology civilization: the future society after capital economy

指導教授 : 紀舜傑 紀舜傑




The progress of human society comes from the use and innovation of technology. So far, although the industrial capital economy has solved the problem of resource scarcity in general, the problems of the gap between the rich and the poor and the destruction of natural ecology have become increasingly serious. The financial turmoil has continued to increase, democracy is controlled by capital, and social classes have become more serious and antagonistic. Human society is trapped in darkness and insurmountable bottlenecks. The capital economy is not only unable to cope with the social collaboration of computer networks and technological automation, but it is also not suitable for the future century of artificial intelligence. The "resource accounting" of this study replaces the weak "money accounting" and provides a more efficient supply and demand mechanism than the market, price and market. the citizen democratic enterprise with government, bureaucracy, education and private enterprise. Social collaboration system with a population of more than a trillion, frees the society from unnecessary competition, replaces manual labor with a large number of AI automated productions, and controls civil rights through technology: Democracy 3.0, which links the entire society's decision-making to intelligence, Efficient cooperation is a complete framework and practice model for upgrading the capital economy into a sci-tech, civilized and future society.


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