  • 學位論文


A Study Of Huang Chun-Ming And His Children Dramas

指導教授 : 張雙英


黃春明是當前臺灣文壇重量級的文學作家,近二十幾年來,兒 童劇已成為黃春明文學創作的重心,豐厚的人生經驗成為兒童劇創 作靈感與題材的來源。黃春明認為文學必須向下扎根,秉持著熱愛 鄉土的情懷以及對兒童的殷切期盼,藉著兒童劇的表演,以潛移默 化的方式來啟發智慧、陶冶性情、培養健全的人格發展。 本論文凡六章。第一章緒論:說明研究動機與目的,分析前人 研究成果,闡述研究範圍與步驟。   第二章多采多姿的人生閱歷:根據黃春明的生平,分為童年生 活、中學生活、任教和服役、踏入社會四個時期去考查黃春明的創 作心路歷程,進一步從生活經驗中探究黃春明作品的創作理念。 第三章黃春明及其劇本創作之特色:生活經驗是黃春明劇本創 作的養分來源,依據黃春明劇本創作之特色:童心與關懷的表現、 來自生活的創作養分、愛鄉土的情懷,來做進一步的探討。 第四章劇本文學性分析:從情節結構、角色塑造、文學修辭、 主題特色這四方面,來分析《稻草人和小麻雀》、《愛吃糖的皇帝 》、《小李子不是大騙子》、《小駝背》這四齣兒童劇的文學性。 第五章劇本演出與劇場藝術迴響:記錄整理演員參與演出過程 的生活點滴、幕後工作人員的辛勞,從而了解黃春明成立劇團的理 念與堅持,並說明培養欣賞素養的重要性。 第六章結論:整理出演出這四齣劇本創作的劇團、黃春明兒童 劇的特性,以期從中獲得啟發,並效法黃春明永保赤子之心,長懷 對鄉土的熱愛及人文的關懷。


黃春明 兒童劇


Huang Chun-Ming is the current Taiwan literary heavyweight literary writer,nearly 20 years, children dramas has become the focus of Huang Chun-Ming's literary creation, rich life experience to become children dramas as a source of inspiration and subject matter.Huang Chun-Ming think that literature must take root down, uphold the love of the local feelings and the children's ardent expectations,through the children dramas to the subterranean the way to inspire the wisdom of wisdom, cultivate temperament, cultivate a sound personality development. In this thesis are six chapters. Chapter 1 <Introduction>:Explain the motivation and purpose of the study, analyze the former human research results, elaborate the scope and steps of the study. Chapter II <Colorful Life Experience>:According to Huang Chun- Ming's life, divided into childhood life, high school life, teaching and military service, into the community to examine the four periods of Huang Chun-Ming's creative path, and further explore the creative ideas of Huang Chun-Ming's works from the life experience. Chapter III <Huang Chun-Ming And His Script Creation Features>: Life experience is the nutrient source of Huang Chun-Ming 's script writing, based on the characteristics of Huang Chun-Ming 's script writing: childlike innocence and care of the performance,from the creative life of life, love the feelings of the country, to do further study. Chapter IV<The Analysis Of Script Literature>:From the plot structure , role modeling, literary rhetoric, theme characteristics of these four aspects, to analyze the four children's drama literature. Chapter V<Theatrical Performances And Theater Art Response>: Record the process of actors participating in the performance of the life bit by bit, behind the staff of hard, so as to understand the concept and persistence of Huang Chun-Ming's troupe, and to show the importance of cultivating appreciation. Chapter VI<Conclusion>:Finishing the four theatrical performances of the theater, the characteristics of Huang Chun-Ming's children dramas, with a view to gain inspiration, and follow the example of Huang Chun- Ming eternal heart, long love for the local love and human care.


Huang Chun-Ming children drama



