  • 學位論文


Food Self-sufficiency of Japan and Taiwan – from The Viewpoint of Food System

指導教授 : 任耀庭


戰後的糧食經濟發展,從第一階段的自給自足,生產者與消費者的身分相互重疊;第二階段生鮮食品流通業的出現;第三階段食品工業的發展,伴隨著加工食品流通業的出現;第四階段:最終端消費的變化導致外食產業的蓬勃發展。演變至此,飲食消費邁向成熟化,也形成了糧食供應系統的經濟型態。   藉由糧食供應系統,可以顯示出農林漁產品從一次產業、二次產業到三次產業各階段的投入與產出、流通經費與最終消費額。也可以顯示出國產額與進口額的投入及年度變化。從進口依存度的持續上升,進而探討糧食自給與糧食安全保障的問題。   本研究關於日本飲食消費額從生產到最終消費過程,以農林水產省2005年的流程圖為依據,利用產業關聯表中交易基本表的產出表,驗算出2000年的飲食費流程,並整理推算出2011年飲食費流程。同時也參考日本的推算方式,整理出台灣的飲食費流程。由於台灣目前沒有飲食費流程的統計,因此理解日本飲食流程的統計方法,有助於日後成為台灣計算飲食費流程的參考。   關於目前糧食自給率,很少用產業關聯表去做分析,尤其在食品製造業與外食產業的自給率,無法從現在的糧食自給率當中看出來。因此本研究以這個基礎為中心,去探討產業在各個階段的糧食自給狀況。研究結果顯示,從一次產業到三次產業,國產品的下降,進口品的上升,日台的糧食對於進口品的依存度有逐漸升高的趨勢。


Food development following World War II can be categorized into four stages. The first stage is “self-sufficient,” where the roles of producer and consumer overlap; the second stage is the appearance of “fresh food logistics”; followed by the third stage, “processed food logistics”; the fourth stage is the development of the “sales terminal,” which leads to the “restaurant industry.” Today, food consumption has evolved into a more mature state and forms the economic basis of the “food system.”  A food system comprises input–output volumes, circulation costs, and final consumption expenditure on agricultural, forestry, and fishery products from the primary industry through to the tertiary industry. Furthermore, the food system also shows the quantity and annual changes in domestic and imported products. In response to a rising dependence on imported products, we can investigate the issue of food self-sufficiency and food security.  This thesis analyzes food consumption in Japan, from production to final consumption, on the basis of data for 2005 from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. We use the Industry Input–Output Table to verify the food expense flow in 2000 and calculate the food expenses flow in 2011. We also refer to the statistical formula for food expense flow in Japan to derive that of Taiwan. Because Taiwan lacks statistical data on food expense flow, the statistical method of food flow in Japan is used for estimation and projection.  Currently, most calculations of food self-sufficiency seldom use the Industry Input–Output Table data. In particular, data for the food self-sufficiency rate cannot be obtained from the calculation of macroeconomic data. In this research, we use the Industry Input–Output Table as a foundation to investigate food self-sufficiency at each stage. The result of the research shows that the decrease in domestic product requirement and the increase in imported product requirement both occur in the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries. The result also shows that dependence on imported products is increasing in both Taiwan and Japan.


1.FAO(2015) “Food security statistics”
