  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Active Learning for Science and Technology at Forth Grade

指導教授 : 何俐安


本研究旨在應用主動教學設計,落實資訊融入教學,提昇學生在自然與生活科技領域的學習動機與成效,促進學生主動參與自然探究之學習,並培養學生溝通、獨立思考及問題解決的能力。採用行動研究法,以質性研究進行資料蒐集,並配合系統化教學設計模式(ISD Model)為研究進行步驟。 以九年一貫課程統整為主軸,教學研究設計符合主動學習情境,教學策略採用探究教學法來進行學習活動與內容規劃。研究內容「水中生物」單元,涵蓋「水族箱」、「魚」、「青蛙」、「布袋蓮」、「荷花」與「大萍」六子題,課程時程約12節課,共480分鐘。 學生採取主動探究知識的學習方式的研究結果發現: 1.學生對自然與生活科技的學習呈正向看法,但是有自己選擇學習的主題和內容的需求; 2.教師在主動教學課程實施前的準備工作費時且繁瑣; 3.學生在主動學習課程實施中,應該更加主動參與學習準備; 4.教師在主動教學課程實施中,需有較高的溝通與應變能力; 5.接受自然主動教學設計的學生,在學習動機、溝通表達能力、合作學習上有顯著進步; 6.主動教學課程實施後,教師評鑑重點應注重學習者主動參與研究及問題解決能力的養成。 研究亦發現教師在主動學習活動中,必須營造一個溫暖而有支持性的團體氣氛,扮演協調支援的關鍵角色,同時敏銳的察覺學生的困難,適時給予協助,促使學生能夠順利產生學習遷移,將成功的學習經驗推衍至生活中。


This study aimed to apply active Learning into Science and Technology Teaching at forth grade in order to promote students’ learning motivation and outcome, elicit higher students’ participation during the scientific inquiry process, and cultivate students’ abilities in communication, independent thinking, and problem solving. This study adopted action research as its research method, and an instructional design model as its research process. The study targeted six content subjects: aquatic animal box, fish, frog, water lily, duckweed, and sack. Instructional strategies such as active learning, inquiry teaching theories were implemented to meet the needs of 4th-grade students in Science and Technology learning. The length of designed courses was 480 minutes in total, approximately 12 class periods. Result of the study shows that: 1. Students’ reactions toward the instruction were positive. However, they demonstrated the needs for choosing their own learning subject and content; 2. Teacher's preparation before active learning course was time-consuming and complicated; 3. Students should participate more actively in course preparation in the active learning course; 4. Teacher needed to have strong interpersonal skills in implementing active learning course; 5. Students received the active learning instruction showed substantial improvement in learning motivation, oral and written expressions, and cooperation of learning; 6. After the series of active learning instruction were implemented, teacher should assess students’ abilities in researching and problem solving. The research also found that teachers must create a warm and supportive group atmosphere, play a key role of coordination and support, acutely keep watch for the difficulty of students, and give them assistance in time, so that the students could extend the successful experience to their lives.


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