  • 學位論文


The Study of China's Taiwan policy from the 17th CPC National Congress's new personnel arrangement

指導教授 : 潘錫堂
共同指導教授 : 龔春生(Chun-Sheng Gang)




This thesis first recall the factions problem between Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, and the changing polices towards to Taiwan of the 16th Party “Congress"(November 2002 to October 2007). Secondly, we analyze the personnel arrangement of central committee of CPC and the development of their policies to Taiwan, which from "17th Party Congress" to the 11th National People's Congress (October 2007 to March 2008). Finally, we state the conclusion of the study and pose possible strategies to Taiwan for facing the challenge of cross-strait relationship in the future.Recently, there are many different from CPC personnel arrangement and the development of the policies to Taiwan. In the personnel arrangement dimension, the power rotation plan become more and more stable from Jiang Zemin to Hu Jintao and from Hu Jintao to Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang. On the other hand, more younger, high diploma and multiple scholar background leaders are brought to the CPC's decision-making core. At the policy to Taiwan, CPC now understand likes and dislikes of Taiwanese and usually apply the international force to influence cross-strait relations. Not involved to reject ” referendum on joining UN in the name of Taiwan” are the best case.It is more pragmatic for Taiwan to seek development space and “win-win” relationship in peace while facing the fact of “the rise of China”. In order to maintain sovereignty should carry on the consultative negotiations and seek new position in the international social base on the“1992 consensus”.


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