  • 學位論文


The Role of Product Architecture in Japanese Business Model: The Case of Computer Industry

指導教授 : 蔡錫勲


隨著近年來東亞的經濟成長,日本企業的活動重心也開始向海外移動,但同時日本企業在全球化的競爭環境中,電腦及DVD撥放器等許多的產業,逐漸失去過去的領導地位。因此,本論文主要探討,全球化下新型態的國際分工,形成的原因,以及在全球化的環境下,過去日本企業成功的一大因素─日式經營模式是否依舊適宜。 日本企業對於統合型產品結構的商品具有競爭優勢,但是在21世紀中支撐著日本經濟的多項產業,都開始走向模組型的產品結構。藉由研究的結果可知,產品結構變革的原因有以下兩點;第1點,產品的數位化造成資訊的傳達更為容易。包含新興國的各個工業化國家,在各個產業的產品設計及製程都能夠更為簡單的掌控。第2點,國際標準化使得技術模組的外部界面及結合公差都在國際市場中開放。因此有別於過去技術傳播的型態,產品結構的變革可以在短時間內形成國際分工。 日式經營模式以往所擅長的垂直整合策略,在瞬息萬變的國際競爭的環境中,反而削弱了日本企業的競爭力。因此本研究對日本企業的建議為,應該要重新設計能夠適應商品結構變革的經營組織模式,並且打破過去封閉式的商品開發策略,與其他公司共同開發,並且積極採用外部的專利智財等,才能夠突破日本企業目前膠著的現狀。


As the economic growth in East Asia, Japanese companies also change their commercial focus to other foreign countries in recent years. Meanwhile, due to the global commercial competition, Japanese companies have lost their leadership in various industries, especially for the computer and, DVD player industries. In this thesis, new style of international division of labor was proposed, and in addition, a question about the traditional Japanese manufacturing business model does still work under the pressure of global competition will be discussed in the content. According to preceding studies, we know that the Japanese companies have an advantage of developing integration architecture products. In this study, there are two reasons for reforming product architecture. The first is product digitalization. The products in digital forms make the information transmission much easier. The product designs and producing processes for various industries including the emerging industrialization countries have been controlled easily. The other reason is international standardization that makes the outside interface of technical module and the tolerance to open to the global market. These reasons can explain why the international division of labor would occur in a short period. Since the traditional Japanese manufacturing business model is not suitable global business environment. The Japanese companies need to change their organizational structure and also to cooperate with other superior companies such as license or R&D process.


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