  • 學位論文


The exploration of the difference of privacy concerns mitigation measures with EEG and self-reported data

指導教授 : 吳錦波


自智慧型行動裝置的出現,應用程式的使用如今充斥於許多人的日常生活。然而部分不肖應用程式於未經使用者同意之下,私自收集、濫用以及傳送用戶個人資料之情形,使得針對行動裝置平台使用者隱私顧慮的相關議題開始受到了重視與討論。 本研究旨在效仿神經資訊系統之精神,探討應用程式權限要求隱私敏感度的提升,以及過去研究當中所提出能夠緩解使用者隱私顧慮相關措施,對於學生族群之情緒以及下載意圖的影響。透過募集資訊管理學系三、四年級學生作為受測對象,以實驗室實驗法收集腦波資料與受測者回覆資料兩者,並基於資料分析結果針對行動裝置使用者、應用程式開發者以及應用程式商店管理者三方提出相關建議。 研究結果顯示,應用程式權限要求的差異對於受測者評估下載與否之決策上,無法誘發出其情緒變化上的顯著不同並從腦波資料當中反映出來,並且相關隱私緩解措施的施予與否亦然;然而由受測者所自行回覆的下載意願資料當中發現,倘若單就隱私顧慮作為應用程式下載與否之唯一考量時,則應用程式權限要求隱私敏感度的提升確實會影響使用者的下載意願,而過去研究所提出之應用程式權限要求說明資訊、熱門程度資訊,以及本研究額外探討之品牌知名度資訊三者確實能夠提高其下載意願。


Since the advent of smart devices, nowadays app usage has been filled in daily lives. However, because some unscrupulous apps collect, misuse and transmit user's personal data without the user's consent, the privacy issues have begun to receive attention. In this study, we explore the impact on students’ sentiment and download intentions when they encounter privacy issues from the perspective of NeuroIS. Specifically, we consider the effect of permission request with respect to privacy and some measures to mitigate user’s concern proposed in previous studies. By analyzing the EEG and self-reported data collected from junior and senior MIS students, useful recommendations could be made to mobile device users, app developers and app store manager, respectively. Resulting from the EEG data, there is no significant emotional change when permission requirements differ or other privacy mitigation measures impose. However, the self-reported data shows that application permission requests decrease the download intentions when the privacy is the only concern. Furthermore, the application permission justification and popularity information, as well as the brand reputation, increase users’ download intentions.


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