  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Health Care Platform Supported by Technologies of Internet of Things and Big Data

指導教授 : 張志勇


物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)的關鍵技術已趨成熟,其概念也逐漸受到關注,其應用之場域繁多。再者,現今社會對於高齡人口的健康照護關注度提升,對於其是否有突發狀況的發生以及日常基本的生理資訊蒐集有迫切需要,也因為應用場域繁多,各系統的感測器種類以及佈建方式皆不相同,此問題會導致收集之資料格式不盡相同,造成後端資料的儲存以及管理困難,因此,如何將日常起居以及各系統所收集之龐大數據資料,進行處理、儲存、及統計將會是一大難題。 本論文擬針對掌控生理狀態及整合各系統間資料為目標,進行系統的設計。本論文基於大數據技術支援,擬設計一應用於物聯網中的健康照護平台。此平台整合了智慧型感測元件與各種無線通訊技術,藉由物聯網之技術,蒐集受照護者之日常生理及活動資訊,提供給遠端的親人或是醫護人員進行短、中、長期的監控,藉此提升生活品質與生理安全的基本保障與警示。


物聯網 健康照護 智慧家庭


With development of critical technology, the concept of internet of things becomes more and more important and is ready to apply to different industries. Furthermore, healthcare of the elder is a growing issue for each society. Apply the IOT technologies to homecare might raise several problems which should be further considered. First, the process of emergency event should be built and controlled by using big data technologies. Second, the information of daily human behaviors should be collected and analyzed properly. Finally, the format of data between different devices should be integrated. This thesis designs a platform using big data to monitor physiological state and to integrate data from different systems. The healthcare platform combines smart sensor device, wireless communication technologies and big data analysis to cope with the problem given above. The platform focuses on collecting physiological state of user and monitoring the daily activities of the elder via technology of IOT. Therefore, we could provide a short term to long term reports in healthcare field. Based on the long term monitoring and big data analysis, we could also increase our living quality and a pre-warming of physiological state.


IOT Smart Home Health Care


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