  • 學位論文


The Development of Small Business in Russia: the Political-Economical Analysis

指導教授 : 郭建中


許多國家政府認為促進中小企業的發展能夠提昇國家經濟及擴展就業機會,中小企業是地方產業的支柱。這些企業促進了國家的競爭力和效率。在俄羅斯,擴展小企業部門對於國家市場的開發,提供就業機會,技術的開發與創新,以及提昇生活水準是相當重要的。 本論文運用新古典經濟學派和國家論,透過「國家機關自主性」和「國家機關政策能力」探討國家機關在小企業發展過程中所扮演的角色。另外本論文採用「文獻分析法」、「個案研究法」與「訪談研究法」,透過學者們的著作和期刊資料等進行分析,以及對莫斯科八家小企業進行訪談,希望對俄羅斯小企業發展有更深一層的了解。 雖然俄羅斯政府制定一系列促進小企業發展的政策,但研究結果發現俄羅斯小企業仍存在一些阻礙發展的因素:繁重的稅收、官僚的腐敗氣息、法律制度不夠完善,以及獲取資金困難等。此外,由於政府缺乏執行力,本文並未明顯觀察到小企業解決其所遭遇到的困難。俄羅斯小企業的經濟貢獻雖未達到已開發國家的標準,但仍呈現持續成長的趨勢,因此筆者認為俄羅斯小企業發展的過程中,國家機關並未扮演積極主動的角色,而俄羅斯小企業在國家經濟中則扮演積極主動的角色。 另外,根據研究結果發現俄羅斯政府和小企業若能朝向相互合作的方向邁進,排除不必要的行政阻礙,改善市場經濟環境,維持政經社會的穩定,以及加強企業之間的合作關係,對於俄羅斯小企業的發展將具有更廣闊的前景。


Many governments have recognized that fostering small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have become an effective aspect in promoting economic growth and expanding employment. Small and medium-sized enterprises serve as the backbone for local industries. In Russia, the expansion of the small business sector is crucial for the development of local markets, job creation, innovation and the promotion of new technologies, and improvements in the standard of living. This research focuses on comprehensive analysis of the development of small business in Russia. This thesis applies theories of political economy: neoclassical political economy and statism to look at the development of small enterprises in Russia. We try to explore the role of the Russian State in the development of small business. We not only use many references to analyze the development of small business and relationship between the State and small business, but also apply “Case Study" and “Interview Research" to find out the real development of small business in Moscow. Although the Russian government set up a series of policy to promote small business, but this study identified the main constraints of the development of small business in Russia. The obstacles are following: heavy taxation, serious corruption, the lack of clear legislative framework and the scarcity of financing for small business etc. According to this research, we find that small business plays an active role in the developing process of domestic economy, but the Russian government plays a passive role. Finding of this research indicates that if the Russian government and small business would move toward mutual cooperation, remove administrative obstacles, improve the market economy environment, maintain political and social stability, and strengthen cooperation among enterprises, this will a good prospect for small business.


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