  • 學位論文


The Study of Echo Method in Remedial Instruction to English Listening and Self-efficacy for 7th Graders

指導教授 : 徐新逸


聽力理解是口語能力發展的必要條件,更是語言發展的開端。由104、105與106會考英語聽力待加強比率顯示(台師大心測中心),英語聽力的學習表現差異大呈現兩極化,多數待加強的學生認為聽力極為困難,此與長期以來國中階段的英語教育較少著墨於聽力的訓練與培養有關。教師如何透過聽力理解技巧的帶領,輔助待加強學生的聽力學習,將是教師於聽力教學必須關注的面向。本研究以不等組前後測設計之準實驗法方式進行,研究對象為宜蘭縣某國中七年級補救教學學生共12人,藉由回音法(Echo Method)的聽力策略學習方式,透過反覆聆聽、複誦與錄音的過程,加強聽力並培養自我學習的能力。課程進行3週共10節,內容為第2學期課本之教材,資料蒐集採取自編英語聽力與自我效能表之前後測成績,以及學生個別回音法練習之錄音檔、教師課間觀察、課堂學習單、平台回饋與訪談資料為主,以質量化並重的方式進行分析,以解釋呈現研究結果。研究結果顯示:一、回音法能增進國中補救教學學生的英語聽力;二、回音法對於國中補救教學學生的「自我效能」有正面影響;三、學生喜歡回音法「聽與錄」的聽力練習模式;四、學生能以積極與認真的態度面對聽力。 研究結論指出回音法策略能有效提升國中七年級補救教學學生的英語聽力理解,對自我效能亦有正面提升效果,本研究並根據上述研究結果對於行政、國中英語聽力補救教學與回音法後續研究提出建議,供未來國中補救教學實施英語聽力教學設計之參考。


Listening is essential to the development of language, especially speaking. However, most lower-achievement students think listening is difficult from the results of CAP (Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students) in 2015, 2016 and 2017. The purpose of this research is to explore whether students under remedial instruction can use “Echo Method” to improve their listening and self-efficacy. As part of the research, Google Classroom was used to allow students to upload and download listening files. The use of “echo method” showed that students are able to improve their English language listening skills and increase their self-efficacy. This research has a quasi-experimental design. The participants are 12 seventh graders from two remedial classes. One class had a traditional listening course, and the other used echo method. The data collection consisted of listening pre- and post-tests designed by the researcher, pre- and post-test self-efficacy questionnaires, worksheets, recordings, class observations, and individual interviews. The data collected was analysized both quantitatively and aualitatively. The results showed as follows: (1) Echo method helped improve English listening comprehension. (2) The students gave a positive response to the use of echo method. (3) The results of English listening self-efficacy questionnaire were fairly positive. Morever, through interviewing, the students gave a positive feedback on echo method. Based on the results, some suggestions are given for applying echo method to FFL listening instruction in junior high schools, and advice is provided for future research as well.


