  • 學位論文


Hydraulic Retention Time Measurement of Constructed Wetland

指導教授 : 廖國偉


近年來,由於無線通訊技術的發展與進步,無線射頻辨識系統(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID) 廣泛使用在各種領域之中,但是將RFID 技術應用於人工濕地水力停留時間(Retention Time)之量測研究實例仍然較為缺乏,本研究將著墨於此。本研究將RFID 科技運用於量測人工濕地水力停留時間上,相對於傳統量測水力停留時間之方法,期望可節省人力和時間。本文除實地進行實驗之外,並將實驗所得結果進行分析與討論,因實驗結果具有不定性,故以ANOVA驗證結果是否具有一致性,最後進行迴歸與類神經網路分析,分析結果可用來預測水力停留時間。


The development and advancement of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) have been drawn much attention. However, application of this technology on the measurement of the retention time of constructed wetlands is not much. This provides an motivation of this study. In this study, several in-field experiments are conducted. Based on the results obtained, a couple analyses are utilized to help us further understanding the important parameters that affecting the retention time of a constructed wetland. The ANOVA is first used to verify the mean results from different tests can be considered as identical or not. Linear regression with linear and quadratic terms are used to establish a formula for future use, also, a neural network based on back forward propagation algorithm is used to predict the retention time based on the existed data. Results shown that neural network provides a better job than regression in prediction.


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