  • 學位論文

Industry 4.0對供應鏈影響之評估

The evaluation of the effect of industry 4.0 on supply chain

指導教授 : 李旭華


在這個科技高速成長的年代,藉著網路的興起與各項感測技術的發展,物聯網逐漸成為未來的趨勢,2011年德國提出了industry 4.0一詞,希望藉由物聯網的概念將其應用在製造業上,使工廠的生產完全智慧化,從生產製造到排程規劃、數量控管到產品歷程、維護更換到改進製程,全部由industry 4.0所提出的智能工廠來完成。 本研究先將industry 4.0各種相關文獻進行搜集,對供應鏈若導入industry 4.0會影響的要素進行分析研究,因素以四大構面來進行分類,分別為製造流程構面、設備構面、軟體構面、工程構面,本研究以德爾菲法及模糊層級分析法來進行問卷調查,以產業界12位專家學者們的意見來進行分析,藉此瞭解是否該導入此模式來解決製造生產時遭遇的各種問題,並比較傳統供應鏈、現有的RFID式供應鏈及industry 4.0式供應鏈之優劣。 待問卷收回後,本研究使用中崗科技公司的Power Choice軟體進行資料分析,研究結果顯示現今供應鏈中,大家最為重視的部份為軟體的部份,其次分別為工程、製造流程及設備,在因素部份最為重視的前三大因素分別為「軟體整合的應用程式介面(API)」、「生產規劃預測」、「作業管理軟體」,顯示大家最為重視的是供應鏈中軟體整合管理的部份,以及生產的預測部份,統一且功能完整的整合性軟體加上可以清楚明確的預測產能,勢必會將整個製造生產帶向一個新的里程碑,而industry 4.0式的供應鏈則是上述之最佳解,建議各企業們未來可以將生產模式改以industry 4.0智慧型工廠的模式來進行,對於整體來說必定有許多助益。


Today is the age of information explosion. Through the rise of the Internet and the development of sensing technology, Internet of things gradually become the trend of future. In 2011 Germany made a word of industry 4.0. It applies the concept of Internet of things to manufacturing industry, and make the production of the factory complete wise. In this study, the first we have to do is to collect related literatures of industry 4.0, then Delphy method and the Fuzzy AHP (fuzzy analytic hierarchy process) are used to conduct questionnaire survey. We take the opinions of 12 experts of the industry for study. We can use this analysis to obtain the importance items in this model to solve the various problems encountered in manufacturing processes. The data is analyzed by using the software of Power Choice. The results show that the most important part of all is software part, and the engineering part is followed. Manufacturing processes part and equipment part are then shown. In the factors , the top three most important are "Software integration API", "Production planning forecast", and "Operations Management Software". This shows that we care the most important part of the integration of the supply chain management software, and the part of the production forecast. The best solution of this is the supply chain industry 4.0 formula. We suggest that the companies can import industry 4.0 smart factory mode of production in the supply chain to enhance the efficiency, capacity, and benefit.


IoT industry 4.0 Delphi method Fuzzy AHP


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