  • 學位論文


China-U.S. Environmental Interactions - Beyond Expectations

指導教授 : 林中斌


隨著全球氣候變遷議題重要性日益增加,環保已成為國與國之間合作的重要項目之一,對於中美兩國而言亦是如此。從近幾年的中美戰略經濟對話中可發現,清潔能源、水、空氣皆已成為雙方對話中的主要討論項目。 然而中美環保合作並非近期才開始。早在建立正式外交關係之前,兩國就已展開能源方面的交流。因此,本文大致從兩國1979年建交開始,以文獻分析法檢視雙方中央政府 – 兩國元首及環保機構 – 近三十年來的互動,試圖分析中美環保合作背後對兩國、區域甚至國際的政治、戰略、經濟意義。 研究發現,中美環保合作是兩國達成關係正常化的重要渠道。一、美國持續以積極的態度與中國深化環境合作。即使因政黨輪替使得政府對全球減碳議題擺盪不定,卻不影響美國對中國環保援助的態度。二、環保合作有助於減少兩國在其他領域的衝突。由於環保中的科技合作(例如核能)涉及到軍事顧慮,中美雙方為了加強科技交流也致力於降低雙方的軍事矛盾。三、中美環保是有實質內容,而非僅拘泥形式的。中美皆努力履行雙邊環保合約,近幾年雙方在太陽能、綠建築上也有許多共同的成果。四、兩國元首在環境合作中扮演了啟、承的重要角色。有別於以往由非政府組織開啟環境合作的概念,中美兩國環保合作是由政府做為主導,有計畫的拓展、深化交流範圍。 穩定且持續增溫的中美環境合作有益於兩國關係以及各自政治、經濟、社會發展,未來也可能對國際環境議題發揮積極正面的影響。在此背景下,台灣身為全球能源依賴度前五名的國家,也應加強本身的綠能源及相關環保產業,以接軌未來發展趨勢、增加與他國共同參與環保議題的機會。


環境合作 環保 中美合作 能源


As the importance of environmental issue grows, cooperation in this field has become one of the main content among China-U.S. collaborations. This trend can be found from China-U.S. Strategic & Economic Dialogue (S&ED) in 2008, which discussed bilateral cooperation on clean energy, clean water, and clean air for the next ten years. But China-U.S. environmental cooperation not just began in recent years. In fact, the two countries have started energy exchanges before establishing diplomatic relations. Therefore, this research will adopt documentary analysis to examine environmental cooperation between China and the U.S. from 1979 to 2009, and will try to analyze the strategic, political and economic implications of the two sides’ interactions. Based on the descriptions and analysis of PRC-U.S. environmental dynamics in previous chapters, four observations follows. First, despite the U.S.’s passive attitude on international environmental issues in general, Washington proactively engaged Beijing on environmental issues from the very beginning to this day. Second, reducing bilateral conflicts on environmental issues has stabilized the bilateral environmental cooperations, and can help to mitigate other forms of potential bilateral conflicts in the future. Third, in contrast to prevailing perceptions, China-U.S. environmental cooperations have progressed both in rhetoric and implementations. Fourth, distinct from the importance of non-state actors in enhancing international environmental cooperations, the governments of China and the United States have played a leading role in promoting bilateral environmental cooperations. In respond to the above situation, strengthening environmental protection and green energy innovation is an important way to maintain Taiwan’s influence on the world stage and improve domestic economic and social development. Taiwan, a country which highly depend on external energy supply, should pay highly attention to this field.


Earl Babbie, The Practice of Social Research(Wadsworth, Thomson Learning, Inc, 2004).
Fareed Zakaria, The Post-American World (New York: W. W. Norton, 2008).
Kim Woodard, The International energy relations of China, (California.: Stanford University Press, 1980).
Nicholas Stern, A Blueprint for a Safer Planet, (Random House, 2009)
Pamela Baldinger and Jennifer L. Turner, Crouching Suspicious, Hidden Potential – United States Environmental and Energy Cooperation with China, (Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2002).

