  • 學位論文


An Efficient Cloud-based File Chunk and Management Scheme

指導教授 : 吳庭育


隨著網路頻寬跳躍式的成長與分散式檔案系統(Distributed File System)的應用成熟,雲端運算目前已成為網路的主流趨勢之一,肇因於網路使用者對於網路檔案儲存系統的需求日益增加,因此,雲端檔案系統(Cloud File System)架構已變成目前炙手可熱的話題。在雲端檔案系統中,網路使用者可以隨意從終端設備透過網路存取雲端檔案系統中的檔案。由於檔案儲存數量的增加也會讓上傳至雲端檔案系統伺服端時發生檔案重複的比率增加,導致網路為了傳輸這些重複的檔案佔用了網路頻寬;有鑑於這些檔案系統重複檔案上傳所產生的問題,因此,本論文提出適用於雲端檔案系統的檔案壓縮、分塊與比對機制,來改善檔案重複上傳的問題,減低網路頻寬使用率來達到網路的快速存取。 本論文是基於索引名稱伺服器(Index Name Servers, INSs)下的檔案壓縮、分塊及比對機制;這樣的機制包含壓縮(Compression)、分塊(Chunk)、檔案下載(Download)及修改上傳(Upload)的功能。本機制為了提升塊的穩定性,在完成塊切割後,經過切割的每個分塊都各自成為獨立個體,可在不修改其它塊的情況下各別更新。此外,檔案壓縮與分塊同步進行的方式,能有效的減少處理檔案所需之時間並提高執行效率。 經使用雲端檔案系統的分塊容量來壓縮及分塊處理,以其降低客戶端檔案上傳的重複率;處理過的檔案再經MD5指紋碼編碼後組成特徵碼,這些特徵碼可以提供索引名稱伺服器進行比對、建檔、分配儲存伺服器以及提供客戶端(Client)上傳所需的相關資訊。當使用者從檔案系統下載檔案進行編修後,再次上傳與儲存時,只需將被修改的塊重新進行壓縮、分塊再經由MD5編碼後重新再上傳,此舉,可減少不必要的重複資料上傳時間,也能減少了網路資源的浪費。


With the great advancement of the network bandwidth and the maturity of distributed file system, the cloud computing network has become one of the popular trends nowadays because users’ demands for network file storage systems keeps increasing. Therefore, the cloud file system is currently a hot topic. By terminal devices, network users can access the files stored in the cloud file system at will. However, the increase of the files will increase the duplication ratio while uploading files to the server of the cloud file system, which occupies the network bandwidth. To solve the problems due to duplicate files, this paper proposes the scheme of file compression, chunk and comparison for the cloud file system to remove duplicate files and decrease the bandwidth utilization to achieve fast access. Our proposed scheme of file compression, chunk and comparison under Index Name Servers (INSs) has the capability of compression, chunk, download and upload. To enhance the stability of the chunks, each chunk is an individual after the incision and can be updated without modifying the other chunks. In addition, file compression and chunk are executed simultaneously to reduce the processing time and increase the execution efficiency. In our proposed cloud file system, we compress and process the chunks in the optimal chunk size to reduce the duplicate files at the client side. The processed files are encoded into the signature by MD5 fingerprint for INSs to compare, file, designate to the storage server and provide necessary uploading information for the clients. After editing a file downloaded from the file system, uploading and saving the file again, all the user needs to do is to compress and divide the edited chunks, encode the chunks by MD5 fingerprint, and upload the signature again. In this way, not only unnecessary time for uploading duplicate files but also waste of network resources can be reduced.


MD5 INSs Chunk Compress


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