  • 學位論文


Challenges and Opportunities in Business English Writing Tasks for Taiwanese Technical College Students: A Sociocultural Perspective

指導教授 : 陳秀潔
共同指導教授 : 蔡振興(Chen-Hsing Tsai)


長久以來,商務英文寫作能力一直被視為台灣應用英語專修生在職場上不可或缺之語言能力。然而,從事商務英文寫作任務所涉及之多重認知需求,對尚未有商務職場經驗之技職院校生而言,似乎是挑戰重重。本研究奠基於社會文化理論,首先期於對當前台灣技職校院教學環境提供一個更豐富之瞭解,次則藉以探索以社會文化理論為本之任務式教學法,能否在這些技職院校生從事商務英文寫作任務時,有效地促使其發展出高階智識能力。本研究採用多重方法之研究法(a multimetod approach)來進行,這些方法包括:(1)分四階段進行之問卷調查法、(2)與共同授課之業師訪談法、(3)學生在四種情境下寫作作品分析、以及(4)學生個別訪談。如研究發現所示,社會文化觀點可以對台灣持續變動之技職院校專業英語教學環境提供一個宏觀之視野。在微觀方面,以社會文化理論為本之任務式教學法,則能藉由不同型態之「社會性介入」(social mediation),有效涵蓋處於不同「最近發展區」(ZPD)之技職院校生其寬廣之學習需求。透過謹慎設計之任務循環,將「物件調節」(object-regulation)、「他人調節」(other-regulation)、以及學習者「自我調節」(self-regulation) 之理念融入教學活動中,研究中之技職院校生因此能在其從事商務英文寫作任務時發展出個人之高階智識能力。本研究雖受限於行動研究及個案研究之本質,研究發現中所衍生出來之通則,對其他專業英文學習環境依然適用,特別是師生雙方對於共同建構多重認知能力之學習法持有高度熱忱者。


Business English writing ability has long been regarded as an indispensable workplace language skill for applied English majors in Taiwan. However, the multiple cognitive demands involved in taking on business writing tasks seemed to pose various challenges for the pre-experience technical college students in the study. The study was grounded in socialtultual theory (SCT), first to provide an enriched understanding of the current teaching and learning context of technical institutions in Taiwan, and then to explore whether an SCT-informed, task-based teaching approach could effectively facilitate these college students’ higher mental capabilities in engaging in business English writing tasks. A multimethod approach was taken to conduct the study, which included (1) questionnaire surveys at four various learning stages, (2) an interview with the industry teacher who co-taught a course with the researcher, (3) students’ written productions at four various conditions, and (4) interviews with students on their individual ESP development. As the findings showed, a sociocultural perspective could provide a macro-level insight into the ever-changing ESP teaching and learning context of technical universities and colleges in Taiwan. At the micro-level, an SCT-informed, task-based teaching approach could effectively accommodate the wide-ranging needs of the college learners who were at different zones of proximal development (ZPDs) through various types of social mediation. By following a carefully designed task cycle which integrates object-regulation, other-regulation, and the learner’s self-regulation into the pedagogical activities, the college learners in the study seemed to have been able to develop their higher mental capabilities when engaging in business English writing tasks. Even though the study was limited by its nature both as an action research and a case study, the implications resulting from the findings can be generalized to other ESP learning contexts where the teacher and learners are interested in collaboratively constructing learners’ multiple cognitive abilities.


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