  • 學位論文


Integrated Environmental Conscious Design Principles with The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) for Green Product Development Decision Process–Using Security Monitoring Camera as an Example

指導教授 : 林長青


隨著現代工商業與科技的快速發展,雖然帶給人類在消費選擇上的多樣性與便利性,但人類快速生產�消費產品,肆無忌憚的消耗地球資源,製造過程中與遭丟棄的產品所產生的廢氣、廢熱及污水污染,導致嚴重地破壞地球生態。 隨著歐盟環保法規RoHS與WEEE的實施,均對產業將面臨環保設計、環保製程、使用替代料、產品檢驗及成本降低的困難與挑戰,環境也因此受到破壞。因此,環境保護的意識,逐漸耕植企業界與消費者心中,上從政府下至一般消費者,都有改變產品的選擇,如:使用綠色產品。所以倡導符合環保的規範與檢驗的綠色設計產品,以減少對環境的傷害與衝擊。 綠色設計隨著地球氣候變遷而日漸被重視,人們必須徹底改變過去生產製造的思維模式。不但要先考慮到製造過程中可能造成的環境污染影響,是否使用易於回收,或自然分解的綠色環保材料,及使用過後的產品,能否有效做回收與再利用。如果能在產品研發設計過程中,即加入了綠色設計的概念,即可以減少對環境的傷害與衝擊。 多數綠色設計文獻研究僅針對環保3R-Reduce (減量)、Reuse (重複使用)、Recycle (回收) 等三項作研究,本研究將再新增Recovery (再生材料)及Right place (環保原料選擇及廢棄物處置) 此二項,構成提升產品綠色設計的5R準則-Reduce (減量設計)、Reuse (重複使用)、Recycle (回收/易拆解) 及Recovery (再生材料)、Right place (環保原料選擇及廢棄物處置)等五項綠色設計概念。 透過文獻探討之歸納整理,整合環保設計原則,與TRIZ創新研發理論等方法分析,將其運用於安全監控系統之攝影機產品設計上,評估其可行性。最後再結合分析層級程序法 (AHP),以評選最佳綠色產品開發概念方案之整合型決策模式,並針對最終結果進行探討。本研究將以安全監控產業-Y公司之攝影機作為研究對象。


Rapid developments in technologies within the worldwide community and modern industry have brought multiple options, more convenience and unbelievable benefits to most of the consumers. However, on the other side, the resources have been unimaginably exploited and multiplied pollutions has been created as a result of the continuous production for the various products presented to the people, which have seriously put the earth in jeopardy. The on-going practice of RoHS and WEEE in EU and similar rules in other regions highlights the importance and urgency to protect the environment and sets up the limits for all the importing goods, which urges importers and manufacturers to emphasize "green products" and take actions from design, material selection inspection and manufacturing. All the facts and practices have gradually and widely built up a common understanding about the environment protection not only to the industries but to every single consumer. Now all of the consumers have the options to get the products changed by choosing eco-friendly products. And all of us have the obligations to keep the environment from being harmed by urging for green design in consumer goods. As the green design becomes a more clear focus, designers have to radically change their thinking path and jump out of the regular past frame. They should think "green" right from the design phase, then put the following points in consideration to keep the environment being further damaged. Green components should be applied to lower the possible pollution during production; products to be easily disassembled, collected and recycled after use; and harm-free components to the environment should be implemented as the basic design concepts. Besides the traditional 3R concepts - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle about the environment protection, this study further covers Recovery and Right place to make it 5R as the principles to promote for the product green design. 5R - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recovery and Right place. The information collected from literature review, the design principles from the environment protection, and the inventive problem solving theory, namely TRIZ, will be applied to the design for monitoring and surveillance system. At the end, a discussion will be made about the result from the evaluation for a green product project based on the AHP - Analytic Hierarchy Process. In this study a camera product from a monitoring and surveillance company will be discussed to implement the green design concept and methodology.


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