  • 學位論文


Why share knowledge? Developing a model for knowledge transfer and the role of motivation

指導教授 : 游佳萍


在資訊科技背景下,組織對於知識分享行為的推行是不餘遺力,分享行為的多寡好壞不僅表現了組織整體資源的運用效率,也決定了組織於市場中的競爭力。本研究的目的在於探討組織內知識分享行為產生過程,並期望能整合個人及團體的角度去分析知識分享行為。我們將研究對象設定為企業內的知識工作者,一共發出了230份問卷,去除漏答及過於一致的不良問卷後,有效問卷計有211份。 我們藉由心理契約模式、階層內外在動機模式,來觀察組織成員的知識分享行為。本研究以具使用資訊科技分享知識經驗的組織成員為我們的觀察樣本。研究結果發現,第一,組織承諾和知識分享的動機,是驅使組織成員透過資訊科技從事知識分享行為的二個主要因素。由組織承諾直接引起的知識分享行為,多集中於主動知識分享上,而且多是由認同承諾因素所起的。由動機所引起的知識分享行為,則是對於主動、被動知識分享行為均有影響,影響的動機若愈偏向於自願性,則影響較大。第二,組織承諾與知識分享的動機並無直接的關聯。組織承諾需要在員工的心理需求被激發後,才能對知識分享行為產生加分效果。第三,個人對於知識分享行為的心理需求,會直接影響到知識分享行為的動機,其中,又以自主需求及關係需求對於知識分享的動機影響較大。 本研究的貢獻在於,第一,我們證實階層內外在動機模式可引用於推行知識分享行為,若透過個人的角度去提倡知識分享,不僅能有效提升參與動機,也能同時誘發知識分享的良性循環。第二,組織若能運用從眾行為,及個人心理需求的特點,設計出一套兼具規範及誘導機制的知識分享模式,則組織在推動知識分享行為時將可事半功倍。第三,我們的研究發現,組織承諾並未如心理契約模式所說的,會直接對員工的動機造成影響。因此,組織不能再像以往期望員工會主動分享所知,而必須主動去激發員工對於知識分享的需求後,再要求分享知識。


知識分享 承諾 動機 心理需求


The knowledge-sharing issue has become an important topic in the business organization when they face the era of knowledge economics. The main purpose of our research is to analyze knowledge-sharing behavior by integrating “Psychology Contract” and “Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.” In our sample, 211 knowledge workers who often use IT to share their knowledge of daily work with their colleagues were included. There are three major conclusions being produced by our study. First, commitment and motivation are two important factors that would affect knowledge-sharing behavior. We find that there has a big difference between the knowledge-sharing behaviors caused by the two factors. Knowledge-sharing behavior would be influenced more when they are caused by motivation than those caused by commitment. Second, motivation won’t be affected directly by commitment in our study, only if the needs were being motivated, commitment would produce significant impact on motivation. Third, motivation would be influenced directly by needs of employee toward knowledge-sharing behavior, furthermore, needs of autonomy and relatedness influence motivation more than needs of competence.   Our study has three main contributions. First, the hypothesis of the Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation (HMIEM) that could be used to promote knowledge-sharing behavior in organization has been proved. Second, we suggest that organization can efficiently promote their knowledge-sharing behavior by exploiting the traits of conformity and needs to design a knowledge-sharing mechanism. Third, the result of commitment won’t have direct influence on motivation as the model of the psychological contract said was finding by our study. Therefore, knowledge won’t be shared directly by staff as organization expected, organization should find someway to intrigue the needs of employee toward knowledge-sharing behavior before asking them to share their knowledge.


knowledge share commitment motivation need


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