  • 學位論文


The Reseach of the internationalization of boutique brands in Taiwan’s pastry industry–A Case of SunnyHills Company

指導教授 : 林江峰


本研究主要的三個目的,「台灣鳳梨酥的文化與歷史」、「在地文化品牌國際化」與「品牌行銷傳播經營策略」。了解台灣糕餅產業品牌化與行銷策略的變遷與影響,以鳳梨酥聞名的微熱山丘進行個案分析,探討台灣鳳梨酥市場近年來轉變的危機與轉機,並藉由這三個層面為基礎,進一步分析微熱山丘此品牌國際化所需的關鍵因素-「品牌市場分析」、「品牌定位」與「行銷組合策略」來進行說明。   近幾年,許多不被注意到的傳統產業,慢慢的在走向品牌精緻化,特別值得注意的是糕餅產業,又因為伴手禮文化的影響,其成長速度非常快,不僅擁有高品質更利用品牌策略,逐漸邁向國際化並達到亮眼的成績。   2008年成立的寶田企業是新興農企業典型代表之一,以微熱山丘品牌行銷鳳梨酥與鳳梨酥周邊產品,並以契作鳳梨田,雇用農村閒餘人力來改善農村經濟,不到三年時間就能將台灣鳳梨酥的文化行銷到海外市場。鳳梨酥是臺灣的著名點心,因為鳳梨的台語諧音為「旺來」,有帶來有吉利興旺的含意,是逢年過節時所送或饋贈親朋好友的最佳伴手禮。在研究的個案中發現微熱山丘的經營理念與行銷方式,消費者開始重視心靈層面文化的認同,且在網路商店快速竄起的趨勢下,品牌行銷更是如虎添翼。希望藉由個案研究法、深度訪談法及文獻分析三種方法進行研究,並以品牌共鳴金字塔模型、品牌元素評估表、行銷4P、SWOT等理論分析微熱山丘是如何運用地方特色建立起獨特品牌?行銷策略又是如何結合流行與社會趨向?其成功的關鍵因素和未來可能面對的挑戰為何?以做為台灣未來農業品牌化經營策略之參考。


The study focuses on three phases, “the culture and history of Taiwanese pineapple cake, “the internationalization of local brands,” and “the marketing communications strategy of brands.” To understand the crises and the change in the Taiwanese pineapple cake market, we applied these phases to analyze the Sunnyhills company. In recent years, more and more traditional industries in Taiwan are becoming boutique, especially the pastry industry. Influenced by the souvenir culture, the process of refined pastry industry accelerates at a faster pace than ever before. Sunnyhills is one of the representative emerging agricultural company. It sells pineapple cakes under the brand “Sunnyhills” and peripheral products of pineapple. Besides, the firm also has contracts with the farmers to help them strengthen the rural economy. In less than three years, it successfully markets the Taiwanese pineapple cake around the world. Pineapple cake is the best gift for friends and family during festivals. Pineapple is pronounced as “ong-lai” in Taiwanese, which also means “thriving,” an auspicious symbolism. In the case study, we found that the management and marketing approach of Sunnyhills focus on the mental and psychological aspects of consumers. Moreover, with the emerging online shopping, the brand marketing is becoming ever more easier. In other words, it is now easier and more convenient for people to know Taiwanese pineapple cakes. This research utilizes three methods: case studies, depth interviews and document analyses. In addition, we use Customer-Based Brand Equity model, Brand elements evaluation form, 4P and SWOT to analyze Sunnyhills to discover how it establishes a unique brand by using local features, how its marketing strategy combines with social trends, and their key successes and future challenges are. Finally, this study makes recommendations on pastry industry in Taiwan.


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