  • 學位論文


A study on the influence of perceived quality、price perception and brand image on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in luxury goods industry

指導教授 : 張俊惠 何怡芳


據估計精品產業((包括商品購買及體驗消費)總值約為8,600億歐元,到2023年預計將達到約1.2萬億歐元,顯示精品產業龐大且不容小覷的商機。   在2017全球精品行業報告中指出在2016到2020年間,不論是在中國、美國、歐洲及世界其他地區的市場精品銷售額均有數十億至百億元的增長額,然而在2016到2020年間全球精品市場各地區的複合增速呈現全面下滑趨勢,由前述資料可知全球精品產業的增長速率逐漸緩降中,當業者面對高度成熟的精品市場,競爭將益加激烈,對業者而言,顧客忠誠的研究就顯得很重要;另外,《2016全球零售熱點》中指出,國際精品零售業者的吸引力上,台北排名高居全球第10,超越曼谷、首爾等城市,顯示台灣在國際精品業者的布局上佔有全球性的門戶地位,因此本研究將針對台灣消費者對精品購買有關的消費行為進行研究。 本研究以知覺品質、價格認知、品牌形象等前因變數探討對精品顧客滿意、顧客忠誠之影響,其中顧客滿意為中介變數,顧客忠誠為結果變數,針對台灣有購買過精品經驗的消費者作為本研究之研究對象,問卷採Google網路及紙本問卷方式併行發放,並使用SPSS22.0版以及LISREL8.7版做為資料分析工具。 本研究使用結構方程模式來進行分析,並得出以下結論: 一、在精品產業中顧客滿意確實是顧客忠誠的關鍵前因。 二、知覺品質、價格認知、品牌形象皆會顯著影響顧客滿意的形成,進一    步顯著影響顧客忠誠。   基於上述研究結論,本研究也提出相關研究發現及後續研究建議。


The total market value of the luxury goods industry (including merchandise purchasing and experience consumption) is estimated at 860 billion euros, and is expected to reach 1.2 trillion euros by 2023, a huge business opportunity not to be overlooked. In a 2017 global luxury goods report, the luxury goods markets in China, America, Europe, as well as other parts of the world, will experience a revenue growth ranging from 1 billion to 10 billion euros from 2016 through 2020. However, in the same period of time, the compound growth rates of the luxury goods market across all regions display a downward trend. This indicates the global luxury goods market is on decline. Faced with a mature market and growing competition, the competition between the brands will get more and more fierce .It is more important for the companies to focus on customer loyalty programs. Moreover, in the “Destination Retail 2016” report, Taipei is ranked as the top 10 most attractive luxury goods market, surpassing Bangkok and Seoul. This suggests that Taiwan is an important global strategic location for international luxury brands. Therefore, this study will focus on the consumer behaviors regarding luxury goods in Taiwan. This study sets perceived quality, price perception, and brand image as antecedent variables to explore how they affect luxury consumers’ satisfaction and loyalty, in which consumer satisfaction is the mediator variable, and consumer loyalty is the outcome variable. We focus on the consumers who have the experience of purchasing luxury goods in Taiwan . Google online surveys and paper surveys were handed out simultaneously and use. SPSS 22.0 version and LISREL 8.7 .version as our tolls to analyze the our collected data This study is conducted using the structural equation model. The following conclusions were drawn: 1. In the luxury goods industry in Taiwan, customer satisfaction is a key antecedent for customer loyalty. 2. Perceived quality, price perception, and brand image all have significant influence on forming customer satisfaction, which in turn affects customer loyalty. Based on the conclusions above, this study also illustrates related research observations and follow-up research topic recommendations.


  地區安全帽市場實證研究,中國文化大學企業管理研究所碩 士論文。
