  • 學位論文

玻利維亞礦工工會聯盟發展之研究 1944-1986

A Study of The Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers Development 1944-1986

指導教授 : 陳小雀


工會的成立,在於勞工們為求得更好的工作條件,他們共同團結以凝聚足夠的力量,對抗資方或政府,因此組織工會是一個有效的管道。就社會層面而言,工會的建構意謂著勞工意識覺醒,這影響一國的社會階層與社會流動,也改變過去舊有社會的雇主與勞工關係,邁向新一階段的勞資關係。另外,就政治方面來看,工會是一股新的政治力量,尤其在選舉時期,工會成為政黨的樁腳,具有左右選舉結果的可能性。 自20世紀初起,玻利維亞礦區經營模式與形態的改變,成為礦工組工會的一項重要關鍵。由於礦業文化的轉變,礦工漸形塑出「工會」的意念。除此之外,1929年經濟大恐慌與1932-1935年查科戰爭皆讓玻利維亞整體社會、經濟、政治重創,大眾開始正視國家的根本問題,以改造玻利維亞社會。因此,1944年礦工工會聯盟的成立,是回應當時社會改革聲浪的一種表現。至此,玻利維亞礦工工會聯盟活躍於政治、社會等各方面,為爭取勞工利益與尊嚴做許多努力。 1952年4月革命成功後,玻利維亞礦工工會聯盟成為影響民族主義革命運動黨政府的一支重要力量,在選舉、立法方面各有所突破。1964年軍事政變後,左、右翼軍政府不斷更迭,玻利維亞礦工工會聯盟於其中求生存。於右翼軍人主政時期,工會活動雖屢遭打壓,但玻利維亞礦工工會聯盟仍持續發動勞工運動,以脅迫政府作讓步;左翼軍政府時期,政府為謀求工會支持,亦允諾工會成立國民代表大會,這標示玻利維亞礦工工會的重要性與影響力。直至1982年起,新自由主義盛行,政府為了讓資本自由地活動,必須調整勞動力市場,排除阻礙資本進行的因子,玻利維亞礦工工會成為政府削除的首要目標。在社會與政府的雙重壓力下,玻利維亞礦工工會聯盟自此勢微。 於1944至1986年玻利維亞礦工工會聯盟活動期間,該工會確實在玻利維亞政治、社會發展有著深遠的影響。玻利維亞礦工工會聯盟在多場重要戰役發揮關鍵性作用,其中,1952年4月革命表現最為突出;倘若民族主義革命運動黨沒有在玻利維亞礦工工會聯盟動員礦工的情況下,民族主義革命運動黨取得勝利與否還是個未知數。雖然在該革命之前,玻利維亞礦工工會聯盟已是無產階級的脊樑,但在革命成功後,更是確立了該工會的領導地位。除了在政治上有所斬獲外,在社會方面,玻利維亞礦工工會聯盟舉行文化會議,關注礦工家眷的教育等問題,並且確立家庭主婦委員會的定位,協助該委員會召開會議,探討礦工家眷的衛生、醫療、供食等議題,提出解決方案。因此,即便玻利維亞礦工工會聯盟成為新自由主義下的犧牲品,但該工會過去對玻利維亞的努力不可抹滅,也讓社會運動的新興成員有所借鏡。


The labor in order to get better working conditions, they established unions. It is a effective method to unite the labor to fight with the capital or the government. In social stratification, the establishment of union means the awakening of labor consciousness, which affects a country’s social class, social mobility and the traditional labor relation. In addition, on the political aspect, the union is a new political power. Especially in the election period, the union becomes power, which has the possibility to change the result. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the administration of the mining field was changed. Because the mining culture was changed, the mine worker had formed an idea of “union”. In addition, the Great Depression in 1929 and the Chaco War during 1932-1935 struck the Bolivian society, economy and politics. Therefore, the public began to pay attention to national problems. The foundation of the Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers in 1944 was a manifestation of social reform to respond Bolivian society. Thence, the Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers was functioning in the politics, society and the other aspect, in order to get more interests and dignity for labor. After revolutionized successfully in April 1952, the Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers became an important force to influence the government of Revolutionary Nationalist Movement, and got some good results in election and legislation. After the military coup in 1964, the government was changed between left and right politics, the Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers strived for the survival in this period. When the government was controlled by right-wing military, the government suppressed the activities of union. However, the Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers persisted to start the labor movements that drived the government to make concessions. When the government was controlled by left-wing military, the government wanted to get support from the union, so the government admitted the union to establish popular assembly. This indicates the importance and the influence of Union. Since 1982, the neoliberalism was in vogue. In order to make the capital flow fluently, the government had to adjust the labor market. The reason for it, the Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers became the primary objective of the government to be destroried by government. Under the pressure from society and government, the power of the Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers were getting more and more decline since then. During the period of the Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers activity from 1944 to 1986, this union had deeply affected in the development of politics and society. The Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers played an important role in many significant battles, especially in the revolution in April 1952. If Revolutionary Nationalist Movement Party no has the support by the Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers in the battle, the possibility of win is unknown. Before this revolution, the Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers already was the center of proletariat, but after revolutionizing succes, its leadership was established. From the aspect of social, the Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers held the cultural conference and paid attention to those educative problems of miner’s family. On the other hand, the Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers confirmed the housewife committee’s position and assisted this committee to hold the conference that discussed miner family’s subjects such as medical service and provisions. The final, even if the Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers became the victim of neoliberalism; its efforts won’t be wiped. And the experience of the Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers is a good example for the new members of social movement.


Bolivia FSTMB Pulacayo POR MNR


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