  • 學位論文


A Study of Zhu Dunru’s Qiaoge

指導教授 : 呂正惠 蘇敏逸


朱敦儒《樵歌》作品呈現北宋末年及南宋初期的政治社會環境,以及個人人格精神,然而卻沒受到歷代評家的重視,直到近代受到胡適《胡適選註的詞選》「詞中之有《樵歌》很像詩中之有《擊壤集》(邵雍的詩集)。但以文學的價值而論,朱敦儒遠勝邵雍了。將他比陶潛,或更確切罷?」的偏愛及重視。因此筆者以「朱敦儒《樵歌》」研究」為題,作為研究方向。 本論文共分為七章,第一章「緒論」,就研究動機、研究目的、研究回顧、研究範圍與方法做說明。第二章「朱敦儒的生平」,分為四期:南渡前時期-、南渡之後一入仕前時期、入仕時期、晚年時期,作為《樵歌》作品的分期。第三章「南渡前時期」,將其作品分為:對當時政治的憂患、疏狂飄逸的風格及贈答詞、小兒女情思的風情,這三類型的風格加以探討賞析。第四章「南渡之後一入仕前時期」,將其作品分為:激昂的愛國情操、濃濃的思鄉懷人愁緒、對偏安政局的不滿,這三類型的風格加以探討賞析。第五章「入仕時期」,將其作品分為:對南宋不知振作的憤恨、入仕時壯志難伸的苦悶、感傷國事時勢的失望之情,這三類型的風格加以探討賞析。第六章「晚年時期」,將其作品分為:對入仕的懊喪之無奈、清靜無為閒適之情趣、對故國的光復之期許,這三類型的風格加以探討賞析。第七章「結論」,進行論文的歸納整理,將各期各類風格的詞作及詞牌名一一排列,論述詞人各個時期的情感風貌、人格精神,確立朱敦儒在宋代詞發展占了相當重要的地位。 本論文主要以朱敦儒的生平作為《樵歌》作品的分期,再加以了解朱敦儒在各時期所展現的情感風貌及人格精神,來肯定朱敦儒《樵歌》作品的重要性。故由本論文的研究,對朱敦儒《樵歌》更進一步的瞭解。


朱敦儒 樵歌


Zhu Dunru’s works of Qiaoge show the political and social environment from the end of the Northern Song Dynasty to the beginning of the Southern Song Dynasty. However, not until modern times did historians start to take account of their value. Hu Suh’s Collection and Annotation of Ci (written by Hu Suh) says, “Qiaoge to Ci is like Ji-Rang Ji (Shoa Yong’s poetry) to Tang poetry, but Zhu Dunru excels Shoa Yong when it comes to the literary value. It may be better to compare him to Tao Qian?” This manifests Hu Suh’s favor and great attention to Zhu Dunru. Therefore, I decide my research topic as “A Study of Zhu Dunru’s Qiaoge”. This thesis consists of seven chapters: The first chapter is “Introduction”, which illustrates my motivation, my purpose, the previous study in this field, the scale of the research, and the research method. The second chapter is “The Background of Zhu Dunru”, divided into four phases—before moving to the South, after moving to the South but before taking up an official post, during taking up an official post, and the later years. The third chapter is “Before Moving South”. I classify Zhu Dunru’s works into three categories—on contemporary politics, on unbridled and elegant style and gifting Ci, and on loving and longing bearing. The forth chapter is “After Moving to the South but Before Taking up an Official Post”. I classify Zhu Dunru’s works into three categories—on patriotism, on nostalgia, and on dissatisfaction in government’s contentment to rather hold a smaller part of the territory. The fifth chapter is “During Taking up an Official Post”. I classify Zhu Dunru’s works into three categories—on anger with government’s not knowing about regaining power, on depression about difficulty of achieving the ambitions in official post, and on disappointment at the political status of the nation. The sixth chapter is “The Later Years”. I classify Zhu Dunru’s works into three categories—on helplessness of official post, on taste of peaceful and quiet life, and on expectation of restoration of the former nation. The seventh chapter is “Conclusion”, which sum up and conclude the thesis. I arrange all sorts of Ci works and tune names in order, narrating feelings and personal spirits of Ci composers in different generations and firmly establishing Zhu Dunru’s important role in the development of Ci in Song Dynasty. This thesis is mainly about Zhu Dunru’s works of Qiaoge using his background to separate into different phases. Moreover, by developing more understanding about the feelings and personal spirits he exhibited in different phases, it justifies the importance of Zhu Dunru’s works. Due to this thesis conducted, we can have a further and deeper realization about Zhu Dunru’s Qiaoge.


Zhu Dunru Qiaoge


一、 專書



