  • 學位論文


Using Electromagnetism-like algorithm for the dial-a-ride problem with Demand Responsive Transit-A case of Handicap Service bus

指導教授 : 邱顯明


社會保障一詞源於Social Security,其保障制度起源於十九世紀末的歐洲工業社會,社會福利制度即是社會保障制度的內容之一,近年來,身心障礙者的人口數持續攀升,其中現今又以新北市為全台擁有最多的身心障礙者之縣市,而一個制度完善的復康巴士服務將有助於社會福祉之提升。 根據102年度新北市復康巴士營運服務評鑑計畫調查顯示,目前共乘辦理的部分,仍多以調度員來進行人工排班之方式,惟藉由人工排程之車輛路徑多以經驗法則來安排,且不見得為具有效率之路線,故本研究針對新北市復康巴士問題之特性探討出一合適的復康巴士撥召系統模型,以減少營運單位的不必要開銷,並合理地依據乘客之時窗、方向性、需求點間之距離來判斷共乘服務,而非將空駛里程成本轉嫁給需求者的共乘費用來負擔,增進其營運效能。 本研究採用兩階段的方式建構路線,第一階段為採用插入法建構初始路徑解後,再藉由第二階段的類電磁演算法之吸引與排斥機制,進行初始路徑之改善,最終採以Microsoft Visual C#開發環境來撰寫程式,並針對郭耀煌(2001)、Christofides等人(1979)之公開標準例題與同為復康巴士背景之魏健宏等人(2007)研究進行範例測試與比較,其結果顯示本研究除將共乘合理化之外,車輛行駛距離反而將因同性質乘客的媒合共乘下,進而較僅考慮排程重疊的方式有所改善。


The Social security system was originated from Europe in the nineteenth century, and the social welfare system is a part of the system. In recent years, the number of handicapped population continues to rise in New Taipei City, which has the largest number of handicapped population in Taiwan. A well design handicapped bus service is a crucial component of the social welfare system for the City agencies. Based on the Operational Services Evaluation Report of New Taipei city’s Handicap Service bus in 2013, the carpool service of the handicapped bus is scheduled by the dispatchers based on their previous experience, which is inefficient and ineffective. The purpose of this study is to develop a suitable model for the efficient design of the handicapped bus servicer with minimum total empty-loaded mileage. By allocate the passenger into carpool service based on service time window, travel direction and inter-passenger distance of the handicapped passengers, the proposed model can provide more effective carpool handicapped service, which will reduce the passenger cost and empty-loaded mileage. A two-phase algorithm was proposed to construct the routes for the problem dealt in this study. In the first phase, the initial path of each vehicle was determined by the Insertion heuristics method. The Electromagnetism-like algorithm was then used to improve the initial paths in the second phase. A series of case studies were derived from the previous VRP and handicapped service studies to test the validation of the proposed two-phase algorithm. Based on the results of these case studies problem, the proposed algorithm can provide valid and solid solution for these problem.


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