  • 學位論文


The Foreign Policy of Japan to Latin America and the Caribbean during the Last Years

指導教授 : 白方濟


雖然日本並非是拉丁美洲暨加勒比海的外交重點,毋庸置疑,日本乃重要的亞洲國家,尤其近年來日本與拉丁美洲暨加勒比海的關係十分密切。或許,日本需要尋找新的自然資源、食物和能源的供應商,因此向外發展其多元市場。日本為高度發展國家,具競爭力及經濟擴張潛力。日本也應可平衡日益強大的中國。近年來,在日本政府的努力下,日本積極參與國際政治,而且表現不俗。 日本經歷過經濟停滯期,自2013年起,日本政府採取總體經濟措施後,其經濟呈現成長,並為今日全球成長排名第三。日本的經濟模式與拉美相差甚遠,可做為拉美國家參考對象。 日本與拉美區域合作,尤其與瓜地馬拉之間的合作,無疑有利於雙邊國家。在中美洲整合體系架構下,日本與拉美的經貿合作相當密切,成效良好,雙方將持續增加對口協調機構,以促進更多交流與合作機會,未來可帶動拉美經濟發展。 本論文以近年來日本與拉丁美洲暨加勒比海之間的關係為背景,旁及日本經濟發展模式,透過其經濟政策與工業化發展,分析比對拉美區域經濟的優缺點,同時切入拉丁美洲經濟模式與中美洲暨加勒比海區域的次模式,最後聚焦於中美洲區域,尤其是瓜地馬拉,探究日本與瓜地馬拉之間的多項發展合作方案。


Although we could say that the region of Latin America and the Caribbean are not a priority for Japan, as it is the Asian continent itself, it seems relevant and important to recognize, especially in recent years, links with the Latin American and Caribbean region had increased, perhaps driven mainly by the need to find new suppliers of insumes, food and energy as well as to diversify its markets to the outside world. Also it has to be consider the growing presence of mainland China in the region, growing power, highly developed, highly competitive and in constant economic and technological expansion, which has become a stimulus in recent year’s successive Japanese governments in their intention to have and maintain a greater presence, participation and involvement worldwide. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and contribute to a clearer and updated vision of the relationship in recent years between Japan and Latin America and the Caribbean, with particular emphasis on the region of Central America and especially in the Republic of Guatemala. The main conclusion reached in this thesis concerns the Japanese economic model, with its strengths and weaknesses, is still far from the Latin American economic models, although it is certainly a benchmark for excellence for study, it is a good case analysis trying in this way, to know where roads and bridges must necessarily move the economies of Latin America through entrepreneurship in economic and industrial modernity. The motivation is to one day become prime power, and the Federative Republic of Brazil has coached us with strength and fortitudes. The Japanese economy is currently ranked third in the ranking of global growth, after a process of economic stagnation, registered a substantial growth from the macroeconomic measures taken by the government in early 2013. Changes and the implications for Latin American regional markets and in particular the Guatemalan market, could provide new variants of relationship which could certainly be beneficial to both economies. Japan has been for the Republic of Guatemala one of the countries with the highest contribution in cooperation programs for development aspect constitutes an important object of attention and study. As for concluding remarks noteworthy and noted that Latin American economic model, which integrates sub-models of the Region of Central America and the Caribbean, somehow should follow the guidelines and processes of Japanese strategic doctrine and negotiate as blocks, in order to be competitive and strong as his partner in question, compared to this and other economic superpowers. Under the Central American Integration System (SICA) can certainly initiated the strategy of integration and joint position towards third parties as a coordination mechanism has been strengthened in recent years. It seems relevant to mention the importance of the participation of Japan in the framework of SICA in its capacity as observer and dynamics of development of the mechanism of meetings SICA-Japan, which have been very successful in terms of cooperation and trade.


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