  • 學位論文


The Theory and Sample of Ethnic Conflict:The Disintegration of Former Yugoslavia Federation

指導教授 : 謝福助


冷戰結束以後的世界,族群衝突似乎已取代了意識型態的競爭,成為國內及國際爭端的源頭,各式各樣的抗議、示威、暴動、分離運動、恐怖主義,乃至於可怕的族群武裝衝突和內戰悲劇相繼發生,且有越演越烈之勢。前南斯拉夫聯邦的解體以及因此所產生的內戰悲劇,其原因是多重而複雜的,既源由自歷史的陳跡,也成因於現實的無奈;既導因自國外的影響,也歸咎於國內的因素,可謂是民族主義與族群衝突研究中的極重要範例,本論文擬透過民族主義與族群衝突的理論,來分析導致前南斯拉夫族群團體之間爆發衝突的歷史、內部與外部因素,研究其分裂、解體、衝突、內戰的原因與過程,以求瞭解前南斯拉夫族群衝突現象的前因後果。 本論文分成四大部分: 一、民族主義與族群衝突理論的研究與探討; 二、歷史因素。就前南斯拉夫聯邦的歷史背景與演進作深入的研究探討,以求瞭解南斯拉夫複雜的民族問題之根源; 三、內部因素。探討前南斯拉夫聯邦時期的內政制度、經濟政策、民族政策與族群問題; 四、外部因素。探討國際環境與外國干預的因素如何催化前南斯拉夫內戰的爆發與延續。


The ethnic conflict had replaced ideology competition and become the source of domestic and international disputes in the aftermath of cold war. Tragedies resulting from numerous protests, riots, separatism, terrorism and ethnic armored conflict had continuously happened and been getting more and more intensive. The reasons of disintegration of the former Yugoslavia Federation and its civil war are complexity. Some are historical and some are realistic reasons; others are involved with domestic and international factors. The disintegration of the former Yugoslavia Federation can be taken as a significant example that illustrates the nationalism and ethnic conflict research. In terms of theories of nationalism and ethnic conflict, the thesis aims to analysis the history, internal and external factors that caused the separation, conflict, civil war and even disintegration of the former Yugoslavia Federation. Four parts of the thesis: (1) Research on theories of nationalism and ethnic conflict. (2) Historical reasons. Analysis of roots caused the complexity of Yugoslav national issues. (3) Internal Factors. Domestic political system, economic policy, national policy and ethnic issues. (4) External Factors. How international environment and foreign interference catalyzed the civil war of the former Yugoslavia Federation.


Balkan Yugoslavia Nationalism Ethnic Conflict


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