  • 學位論文


The Research of the Impacts on the Factors of the Graduate Oversea Study Intension and it’s Marketing Service Strategies

指導教授 : 林埛垚
共同指導教授 : 陳水蓮


世界各國普遍認為,提升國民教育水平可以促進經濟成長、個人及社會的發展、減少社會的不公平。因此,如何鼓勵台灣的青年學子勇於出國留學,使其在國外能受到良好的教育及體驗國外多元的文化,使其回國後能參與社會與經濟的發展,並對國家作出貢獻。 出國留學是可以提升一個國家競爭力的根本之一,反觀現今的青年學子,出國留學的意願不強,我們可以從政府所統計的出國留學人數可得知,出國留學人數停滯不前,因此,本研究將以大學生為研究對象,來探討分析影響大學生出國留學之因素為何?並對我國留學代辦產業提出未來行銷策略及發展建議。本研究將彙整台灣現行國人出國留學之現況,探討產業之最適行銷策略;期可對留學代辦業者之經營政策,制訂提出可行之行銷策略建議與參考。 根據本研究結果顯示,在留學國家的選擇上,不論是學生本生出國之國家意願、父母希望及親朋好友的建議,都以美國為首選。影響出國意願之因素包括1.家庭(個人)經濟因素2.出國留學返國後對於就業有幫助3.專人一對一諮詢4.留學國家遠近5.師長、學長姐推薦。而出國的目的則有1.回國後容易找工作2.容易在國外找工作3.提升外語語文能力


Most of countries in the world believe that the enhancement of the education level could push for the economic growth,social and personnel development, and reduce the unfair social environment. Therefore, it is very important to know how to encourage the students in Taiwan could complete their advanced education, and learn the different and advanced skills in other countries, then contribute their learning to our country is the topic which we could search for. To study the advanced education program oversea is one of the ways to increase the country competition. The environment of academic & technology in Taiwan are limited. The government should encourage the students to go other countries to learn the different skills & knowledge, and apply what they learn to the society to contribute themselves. However, according to the summary report provided by the government, Taiwan students don’t have strong motivation to study oversea. The No. of student who completed their advanced education in other countries keep a very lightly growth in past years. Therefore, the purpose of this study were to investigate the motivation which drive the students to study oversea, the research will collect the feedback information from undergraduate students and identify the critical factors to influence the students to decide whether they would like to go other countries for advanced study or not. Furthermore, the study proposes the solutions and suggestions to the institutions as the reference for developing their service & marketing strategy to embrace more students to take their services.


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