  • 學位論文


Automatic Detection of Slam Dunk Events in Basketball Game Video

指導教授 : 許輝煌


隨著多媒體傳播跟籃球運動的普及,使得觀看電視轉播或電視重播運動節目的人數越來越多,但是仍然有許多人沒有太多的時間去一一看完整場球賽的轉播或是錄影,雖然每週都會有精選的十大好球讓球迷們回味精采的動作,但是仍有很多漏網之魚的精彩動作沒有被票選入網。因此我們希望可以發展出一套系統,讓那些對於籃球充滿狂熱卻沒有時間看完整場比賽的人可以看到比賽中精彩的灌籃動作,以及每週都要整理一大堆影片並從中挑出灌籃的人一個快速的工具。本論文分為四大部分。 第一部分是將影片中得分板的位置找出來。首先,先取出影片最常出現的邊點的位置,製作了一個最常出現的梯度圖。接著藉由斷開和閉合的運算,消除並擴大梯度圖。 第二部分是找出得分板上顯示兩隊得分資訊的位置。對於之前所製作的梯度圖中,取出經常變化的像素點位置,因此得到得分板上會變動資訊的位置,接著根據長寬的比來判斷分數區塊的位置。 第三部分我們則須辨識兩隊的得分。在這部分必須對之前所找到的分數區塊的位置再做一次單一數字位元位置的找尋,接著對數字位元進行辨識,略過一分以及三分的得分事件,專注於兩分的得分事件。 第四部分則是判斷灌籃動作的方法。首先針對之前分類好的得分事件,對兩分得分事件,利用我們找尋適合偵測灌籃的拍攝鏡頭的方法,找出符合拍攝鏡頭的影格,然後找出影格中籃框的位置,接著找尋籃框附近有沒有人手膚色的顯示,若滿足這樣條件的臨界值,則判定是灌籃的動作。 這篇論文主要的貢獻在於可以讓喜愛觀看灌籃動作的人能夠節省看完整部片子的時間。並且證明了,在投影到二維影像中使用低階影像處理技術上,利用顏色特徵資訊,用來達到判斷灌籃的高階語意,是一種可行的做法。


籃球 灌籃 事件偵測 影片分析


Because of the spread of multi-media broadcast and fascinated Basketball sport, people who want to watch live or replay program is more than before but not all of them have time to enjoy the whole game show. Although there are top ten selections from the one week program, there are still some good actions that are not selected. Therefore, we hope we can construct a system that can pick out the “Slam-Dunk” events from the basketball game videos for those who are addicted to basketball or has a job to pick out the “Slam-Dunk” events from the thousands of videos. This thesis can be divided into four parts. At first, we should extract the location of score board. Firstly, we make those which edge pixels have been appeared mostly in the whole video into a gradient map. Though the operations of closing and opening, we eliminate the noises and gather the connected parts. Next, we find the location of score on the scoreboard. According to the gradient map we did it before, we take down the changing pixel within it so that we can get the changing information thought time to time. Then, we select those candidates according to their height-width ratio to find out the locations of scores. The third part is score identification. We focus on the region of score location and extract the explicit of score digit. After identifying scores, we only focus on those score events which equal to two. The final part of the thesis is identifying whether the two-point events are slam-dunk or not. We pick up the two-point events. During the events, we use our method to select the right view frame and find the hoop firstly then count the skin pixel near the hoop position in order to find the hands grabbing the hoop. If the skin pixels are greater than our threshold, we claim it as a slam-dunk event. The contribution of this research is we save much time for those who are addicted to slam-dunk actions and those who need to find out them. And the more, we prove that using low level feature in image processing still can reach the high level semantic event.


Basketball Slam-Dunk Event Detection Video analysis


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