  • 學位論文


The Constitutionalization of the European Union

指導教授 : 曾秀珍


與傳統國際法體系較之,歐洲聯盟創造一個與眾不同的法律體系,為了解兩者的差異性何在,本文敘述歐洲整合至今是如何透過基礎條約與一系列案例法的發展,建構一個類似國家憲法之獨一無二的國際法體系。此過程稱之為「憲法化」,分別從歐盟邁向憲法化之形式與建立歐洲憲法秩序之實質意涵來論述。從形式意義來看,歐盟透過歷次條約的修改,制定一套基本法律文件,規範內部基礎架構,成為各會員國皆必須遵守之根本大法。從實質意義來看,首先,歐洲法院建立一系列的案例法與經驗以確立歐盟法之基礎和一般法律原則,普遍、優越、適用於會員國,塑造歐盟法之地位如同一國之憲法;其次透過打造一套屬於自己的人權保障體系-歐洲聯盟基本權利憲章,提升人權的實質保障,賦予歐盟法律體系之完整性,增添其憲法性之特徵;最後,藉由歐盟與會員國間之權限劃分的界定逐漸明朗化,促使歐盟的發展趨向聯邦體制的型態。據此瞭解,歐洲整合的趨向是自國際組織,邁入一介於邦聯與聯邦之間的獨特政體。 然歐盟在邁向此一憲法化過程雖屢經波折,但各會員國最終都能拋開彼此的歧見、妥協,努力解決問題以推動歐洲整合的進展,甚至孕育出極具重要性的憲政結晶-「歐洲憲法條約」。雖然歐洲憲法條約在批准過程遭受重大挫敗,各會員國仍力求突破僵局,最終以改革條約 (Reform Treaty) 取代之,持續歐洲整合的推動。此一相互協調、有效的促進區域內國家間之關係緊密與整體競爭力提高的合作進展模式,恰好可作為各區域組織發展的借鏡,進一步提昇國際間的相互合作與世界的穩定發展。


歐盟憲法化 歐洲整合 邦聯 聯邦


Compared with traditional international law, the European Union (EU) has created a unique law system. For a better understanding of the differences between them, this thesis is describing the history of how the European integration process has been constructed a unique law system, similar to the constitution of nation states, through the development of fundamental treaties and a variety of case laws. The so called “constitutionalization” process categorizes this subject both as the constitutionalization of the EU as a formal matter and the construction of the EU’s constitutional order as a substantial matter. As a formal matter, the EU is formulating a set of fundamental treaties through the amendment of former treaties to standardize the interior fundamental structure, so that it becomes the basic law, by which all member states have to obey. As a substantial matter, at first, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) creates a series of case laws and experience. This is to ensure that the foundation of European Union law and general principles of law are universal and have precedence over member states ones. Additionally, to create a system of human rights protection, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union has been added, to substantially advance human rights protection. This gives the European Union law system more constitutional characteristics. And finally, to influence the EU integration process towards a federal state system. At this point, the European integration process is developing the EU from a multinational organization to an unique political entity somewhere between a confederation and a federation. But even as the EU is facing continuous problems in its development towards constitutionalization, so far its member states have been able to overcome each others divergent views, to compromise and working towards a solution to push forward the European integration process. And even give birth to the very important constitutional document, “Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe (TCE)”. Even as TCE faced serious defeat in the ratification process, the member states still tried to break through the existing deadlock and replaced it with the Reform Treaty, thereby continuing the European integration process. This mutual coordination is facilitating regional cooperation between nation states and helps to increase the competitive strength of that region as a whole. This can serve as an example for other regional organizations and further mutual cooperation on an international scale.



