  • 學位論文


The Design and Implementation of Movie-Integrated Instruction for Cognitive Learning of Secondary School’s World History-- The Case Studies of Greek and Roman History

指導教授 : 施如齡


在目前的正規教育體制中,學生在九年級才有機會接觸到較為完整的世界史課程,因此,對中學生而言,世界史相較於台灣史或中國史是較為陌生的。再者,東西方文化與價值觀的差異,使得學生在學習世界史的過程中容易面臨到認知上及心理上的挑戰,在學習歷程中較易產生挫折,有礙於其世界觀的建立。而今,電影文化已成為青少年生活經驗中的一部分,運用影像化的思考與學習,融入情境化的具體感官經驗,讓學生從中解讀電影內涵、從中萃取知識與經驗。因此,本研究希冀運用情境教學法,建構一套電影融入歷史教學之教學模式,藉由電影融入教學的實施與討論,以改善一般口述歷史教育的學習模式,提升學生自我學習的動機與成效,進而培養多元的文化智慧與世界觀。 本研究運用「電影融入教學」之方式來實施國中的世界史課程。課程中採用「情境教學法」建立電影融入歷史教學之架構,進行教學活動。本研究對象為臺北市南門國民中學912、913、917班,三班進行為期兩週共四節課的電影融入教學。研究設計以希臘亞歷山大時期、羅馬帝國時期兩單元為主題,電影《亞歷山大帝》、《神鬼戰士》片段影片融入課程為例,採用質性研究法,深入教學現場,進行參與觀察與深度訪談;之後,使用「電影融入教學單元之前、後測問卷及學習單」為評量工具,以Bloom雙向細目表分析問題的類別,了解學習者在認知學習成就上的發展情形;再與選定之學生進行焦點團體訪談,以瞭解電影融入歷史教學之成效。其研究目的在於電影融入歷史教學之後,加以分析統整,提供工作輔助表單,建構一套適合進行「電影融入歷史教學」之教學模式與策略。 研究結果發現學生對於「電影融入歷史教學」實施的歷程、在認知方面的學習成就等,均給予中上程度的評價。最後,本研究對於教學歷程與教學策略等方面給予深度描述與分析,以提供未來「電影融入歷史教學」相關議題討論之參考。


Under the present formal education system, students are just possible to completely learn the World History at Grade 9. Therefore, compared with the History of Taiwan and China, World History is unfamiliar to junior high students. Moreover, the difference of culture and values between the East and the West cognitively and psychologically challenges students during learning of World History, which frustrates them more easily in learning process and hinders their worldview construction. Nowadays, movie culture has become a part of teen life experience. It integrates thinking and learning through image with situated concrete sensory experience, from which students can understand the connotation of movies as well as obtain knowledge and experience. Thus, this study hopes through anchored instruction to build a teaching model for movie integrated history instruction while with the practice of movie integrated instruction and discussion to improve the traditional mode of lecture on history, promote students’ self-study motives and effects and further develop diversified cultural wisdom and world view. “Movie integrated instruction” is employed in teaching World History at Grade 7-9 in this study. In the course, “anchored instruction” is used to build the framework of movie integrated history instruction for teaching activity. The subjects of the research are three classes of Taipei Municipal Nanmen Junior High School – Class 912, 913 and 917. The research took two weeks – four classes to carry out movie integrated instruction. It selected the period of Alexander the Great and the period of Roman Empire as the themes and took the movies “Alexander” and “Gladiator” as examples by displaying the movie clips during class. It adopted qualitative research methods and undertook observation and in-depth interview in the process. Then “pre- and post- course questionnaires” and learning sheets for movie integrated instruction are used as assessment tools. The learning outcome is analyzed with Bloom’s two-way specification table to understand learner’s development in cognitive-based learning performance. Interviewed focus groups with selected students are conducted to comprehend the outcome of movie integrated history instruction. The purpose of this study is to produce instructional worksheets and to create a teaching model with appropriate strategies for “movie integrated history instruction.” The result found that both the student appraisal to the process of “movie integrated history instruction” and their cognitive achievements from the course are high. This study describes and analyzes related teaching issues including educational model, leanring processes and teaching strategies in order to provide teaching reference for discussion on “movie integrated history instruction” in the future.




